Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I have a question about this Russian Spy case...

Why oh why did I ever decide against that CIA training?

Meet Anna Chapman. Alleged Russian spy, femme fatale, Apparent Cookie Monster lover, all around hottie, and my new international babe of mystery. I am still in the initial phase of my research but I plan on doing my best to help the US avert any international crises over this spy case. More to come on my new celebrity crush I am sure...



Dana said...

What?? You're trading in the Canadian Curlers for the Russian Spy??

Karen said...

Not that hot one, but 2 spies were from my town. The Murphys were apparently not so Irish.

Schmoop said...

If I had secrets, she'd have to be hotter than that for me to fork them over. Cheers Doc!!

Doc said...

Dana... Yep you bettcha I did!

Karen... and don't forget the Imam who tried the first time to blow up the WTC the first time. I think he was from your 'hood too.

Matt-Man.... I have no government secrets, but I could certainly make some up!

Anonymous said...

She's pretty hot, I can see the appeal. And now that she's going to be in big trouble, just think of the conjugal visits, LOL!

Doc said...

HAHA - yeah thats what I need to do. Go visit her in jail!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

She looked like 14 in that first picture, I thought you were going pedophile

Doc said...

Vinny... She is 28 and I have to state for the record I do not have a thing for yonger women (and certainly not teenagers YUCK!)

Jay said...

Russian women are pretty hot. Remember the Russian curlers? Their were two really hot chicks on that team.

Disaster Chick said...

I've tried on a version of that red dress before - very complicated. You really have to have a near perfect body for it. said...

OK, she's hawt, and I'd do 'er.... and I'm not gay. ;-)