-OK here it is, The picture of me in my mother in law's Snuggie. I look and felt like some cult member or something. My wife actually liked it and says she wants one for her birthday next week. Should I actually get her one?
-So I came into work this morning and found the Mexican leftovers from yesterdays lunch here waiting for me on my desk that I forgot to take home yesterday... Yuck!
-Stat Counter info of the week. Had someone visit the blog from someplace called Romeoville Illinois last week. Sounds like a cool enough name for a town. Oh and I am pretty sure that the people I wanted to read my rant about the radio show getting cancelled at least read the post.
-We had a great trip to NY for my Brother in laws wedding this past weekend. The wedding was great but it was also great that my son got to play in the snow. He got to make his very first snowman and really enjoyed it. Maybe this weekend I will post some pictures or video.
-Why do women need so many shoes?
-I generally try and ignore Pat Robertson and his comments yesterday are no exception to this policy I have. Just go away Pat... please.

-Saw a billboard recently for Belmont Abbey College a Catholic college near where I live that is run by Benedictine Monks. The billboard simply said "Got Monks" and I thought it was interesting so I googled it. Turns out http://www.gotmonks.com/ is their website! Hilarious! They sell Got Monks T-shirts and hats and everything. I love it when religious organizations have a sense of humor and don't take themselves to seriously.
-So yesterday I got a credit card statement in the mail from a credit card company that I don't (or didn't think) that I have a credit card with. It turns out that I do apparently have an account from 2002 with them. I never had the card and it's never been used. Wheew, I was worried about identity theft and other stuff for a bit. Now I am just not sure what to do. Should I cancel it?
-American Idol update: After the first 2 shows of Season 9 here are a few thoughts: The show is still sticking to it's formula with the bad auditions and production done to be funny interspersed with really good singers. The "pants on the floor" bit was really good and I bet we see that guy in the season finale. From the people shown so far I have 3 that sound like they have a shot to make it in Hollywood. Ashley Rodriguez, Luke Shaffer, and Mallorie Haley. Haley was so good I think she may have been a ringer planted there. The tough luck stories are being really played up this season as always and Simon seems to be a little less edgy. My thought is that this season a female will probably win. The last two winners were male and 3 of the last 4. More auditions coming up next week and once we get to Hollywood rounds the real fun begins.
I thought the song pants on the ground was great and funny and oh so true! I liked several people but got teary for the blonde gal from Tennesse with her $4 dress. I hope she gets to be on for a bit. The guitar girl reminded me of a not as pretty Kelly Pickler.
Wow, lots of thoughts this morning. First, love the picture, and yes, you do look like some cult member-lol! Second, by all means if your wife wants a Snuggie you should absolutely get her one, but that should not be her only gift! Third, as a self proclaimed shoe lover myself, different shoes go with different outfits! They are an accessory like earrings and necklaces! We like to look good for our men! Lastly, if you don't need the credit card, cancel it, it is just trouble! I don't even own one!
You did that Snuggi right!
No offense but you look like Uncle Fester off the Adams family…..except you aren’t bald. Absolutely….you should cancel that credit card! I also agree that it is time for a girl to win in American Idol.
Oh and on the buying the wife a snuggi…….NO! That is unless you find that look attractive………or unless you can think of other uses for it…that is if you both can fit in it together…like a sleeping bag…then it might be worth the purchase!
If she wants a Snuggie, go for it. She'll be thrilled.
I own many shoes from my past life as a professional. I keep them around for lord knows why (dressy occasions, I guess). But, I only wear 3 pair - I have one pair of winter shoes, one pair of in between shoes and one pair of sandals. I've worn a size 7 forever, so I may as well keep the dress shoes in case I get forced out of retirement and back into the workforce (God forbid!)
In my case, I have shoes for the situations where I don't care if my tattoos show and ones for work. But, in reality, there are only 3 or 4 pairs that I really wear.
And get her the Snuggie. I never appreciated warmth until I moved into my incredibly drafty apartment and now I can't get enough warm pjs and blankets and such.
I have a snuggie. It is freaking awesome. Warm and comfy and easy to hold a book while wearing. Plus we did the snuggie bar crawl in the fall. Too much fun!!
I haven't watched Idol. The bad singers make me uncomfortable. Maybe when they are down to the good ones I will watch again.
I need so many shoes because they are freaking cute! And they make me feel cute.
LOL @ the snuggie pic. Very monk-like. If your wife wants one get the snuggie that is leopard print for a "hot" look, lol.
And I only have 8 pairs of shoes, which isn't a lot compared to most women. My husband has more than me!
I think you should get matching snuggies ;)
You can get an FSU Snuggie. That would be pretty cool.
Monks are always cool. They brew beer. Anyone who brews beer is cool.
Thanks for the comments on the Snuggie... I think my son just might get his Mommy a Snuggie... heck it's been cold enough recently.
I had to stop back and tell you that I just saw "Pants On The Ground" and my life may never be the same. I watched the video 4 times already. That will be on the radio.
"gold in your mouth, Hat turned sideways~!"
i thought it was a scream when they got the whole lobbey to sing it!
- BTW - I think that whole DeLurker day thing is so great I am scheduling a post to go up this afternoon to invite lurkers to post!
One MORE thought about the Snuggie. Yes, you should buy one and it should look like mine - University of Alabama :)
Pat Robertson... I really want to say something on my blog but I'm not good at that type of post. The whole thing ticked me off.
American Idol? Looks like another season is here that I won't be watching. It just doesn't appeal to me at all.
Have a great day Doc!
'OK here it is, The picture of me in my mother in law's Snuggie'
oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear
There really is no hope is there?
I was first thinking of a Choir Robe. Now, I'm thinking you might be doing a "G" rated version of "Pants to the Ground" and getting everyone to sing along with you.
Generic Cheetos? I'm in trouble. Once I start eating those things, I can't stop.
Get the Snuggie from Brookstone ... Super soft, much better quality and will last MUST longer than the "As seen on TV" Snuggie.
Oops ... That should be MUCH longer.
I got a Snuggie from someone for Christmas as a gag gift, but after getting it I absolutely LOVE it! I'm sure it will go in storage for 7 months out of the year, but I use it every day right now...
I love my snuggie. I also love my shoes. They don't make me feel fat or look fat either1! I can't wait to go spring shoe shopping!
Is that Carolina Blue? :)
My Mom wouldn't tell me what she wanted for Christmas, so she got a Gator one as a gag gift. Turns out, she loves it. I'm sure it goes along great w/ her Gator Crocs.
Hey Mt. Cat.... it's Panther Blue!
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