Date - 12/24/10
Charlotte Bobcats Wins - 9
Total Miles Walked - 40.0
+/- Miles + 13.0
(Goal is to walk 3 miles for each Bobcats regular season win and 5 miles for each win in the playoffs)
At the age of 14 a young blond neighbour developed the habit of showering in her bathroom without drawing the curtains - and the window was clear glass.
I often lurked in a convenient bush as a result.
Not aware I've done any lurking since.
Perhaps I should take it up again if I can find a neighbour like that!..;-)
I'm a lurker ... just not here!
"Lurk out Lurk out where ever you are!"
No takers yet huh?
I am a lurker out of sheer laziness. It is hard trying to be clever and charming all the time. LOL
When I was to to point of checking this everyday you quit! Now you're back and I'm trying to get you established back into my schedule.
I'd post one of these on my blog, but I only have about 6 readers anyhow ;-)
I'm not a lurker, but I just thought I'd add my comment, saying basically nothing, and hope that this post gets more comments than your average!
Thank you to all my blog friends but especially my disater lurker I know when you lurk!
(Im glad you are working me back into your daily routine!)
So is a lurker someone who lurks without commenting, or lurks anonymously? I've seen this term applied a lot in the internets, but used in multiple ways.
Not a lurker! Hi!
What's up doc? ;)
I kept hoping the readers from my town would Delurk today, but no suck luck. I can't tell you how much it kills me that I don't know who they are!
Oh yeah...and to make a comment that is not all about me...
Hey Doc. Love your blog.
But you already know that.
Ouch, my eye!! Get that thing away from me Doc!
OK , I'll flash you a big pile of pink insulation and a stapler.
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