When I was in Florida back in November to see my friend Chris (The Absolutgator) we happened to be together on a night where both of our college football teams were playing on TV. As we were getting ready to watch the games Chris' wife says to his cousin, "Chris is so serious about Florida football that I bet he is even wearing his lucky orange underwear." My response was, "What is wrong with that? It just so happens that I have my lucky garnet underwear on." Half not believing that these two grown men actually coordinate what underwear they will wear based on who happens to be playing football that day she asked to take a picture of us showing our underwear to memorialize the occasion.

The thing about this that I don't coordinate my underwear for anything else. I just consider it an act of solidarity to show support to my team that is playing and I imagine that Absolut will tell you the same thing. Superstitious? Maybe but I guess that I figure it has worked for me so far I probably ought to keep it up.
So do you have anything like our lucky underwear? Any little superstitions? Please feel free to share. Or to pick on the picture Absolut's wife took.
I''ll bet my brother wears his to match his Ohio State colors. I'll have to ask, and if he doesn't have any, I'm gonna buy him some! I think it's a GREAT idea!
I think I might have to object to the expression "Two Grown Men..." LOL. You guys are crazy.
Hysterical!!! So you guys must be like Frick and Frack?
I bought a 3-pack of underwear 2 1/2 years ago and one pair in the pack just happened to be orange. I thought it would be a fun thing to do/wear on gamedays. Since wearing them the last two seasons, Florida has lost only one game with me wearing them...last month's SEC Championship game. You may think, what about last year's Ole Miss game that Florida lost? That was the one game I didn't wear them. My daughter hasn't let me forget it and asks me every gameday if I remembered to wear them, no matter how many people are around to hear her say, "Daddy, are you wearing you lucky orange underwear?"
I did have a pair of lucky socks, (and yes, I washed them before I wore them each time), but they only lasted so long. Even washing them every day, when I was interviewing all the time last Spring they were well on their way to funky town.
Once when I was a kid I was up at my dad's house the day of the Arkansas/Texas A&M game. I was wearing my Arkansas Football shirt, but had been doing some stuff outside before the game was kind of sweaty.
At halftime I told dad I was going to take a quick shower. He looked at me and said "Might wanna wait til after the game. If you take off that shirt we might lose."
So, I waited. And Arkansas won on a defensive stand in the final minute of the game. Thank God dad was there to save the day for the Hogs.
I had lucky undies once, a long, long time ago. I guess they worked, we're married now ;-)
I would have been better if you had mooned the camera. It just so happens that Amberd and I have matching Killers underwear that we like to wear whenever we are having a lonely day and missing our friends so far away. She lives in St. Louis and I in Utah. It helps. I swear. You feel all connected.
Hahaha!!! That is hilarious!!!!
Well, as an avid Packer fan everyone in my family is forced to wear their gear on game days. But that kind of goes without saying, doesn't it?
I wear my Yankee underwear when I yank....er, ah, nevermind.
As a kid I had lucky underpants. If I wore them I scored.
Once I didn't so I threw them in the wardrobe in disgust.
A while later I put them on - accidentally inside out - and scored.
They were magical underpants!!!!
I'm amazed that they even make mens underwear that color!
I LOVE the Yankees and 'pre-kids" I would dress up in my Tino Martinez jersey EVERY game.
LOL MT CAT! I do the knock wood, not that kinda wood Mt Cat, when ever I say something and hope not to jinx it by knocking wood. Lucky underwear? nope but I have some religious underwear.
Can't think of anything specific that I have that's "lucky". We do wear game colors on game day, but nothing special other than that. I would like to request that someone hide Absolut's "lucky underwear" on gameday with Carolina next year. I will pay...lol...only chance we have! :)
You two are perfectly matched to show your solidarity and love of Virginia Tech! I love it! :-)
Underwear? No. :-)
And the question of "Boxers or Briefs?" is now answered. Both.
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