Next week American Idol comes back. The show that no matter how much it goes against my love of true music and not prepackaged fluff It seems to draw me in every year. Despite one of the blogs that I follow being called
'Real Men Don't Watch American Idol' (Check it out. Christine is snarky greatness) I do consider myself not only a real man but also an Idol fan. I like the good singers, I like the bad singers. I like the crazy production they do on the quirky little sad "Wanna be on TV" rejects. I like the drama of who will make the cut in Hollywood and who won't. My wife and I even annually have a competition where we draft the finalists and see whose team wins.
Every year I think that Idol has gone downhill but I am usually surprised at the level of talent they come up with for the competition. This year should prove interesting as well now that Paula Abdul has been given the boot and will be replaced with Ellen Degeneres. I think that I am going to blog about AI this year in some form or fashion. Not sure exactly how just yet, maybe in a weekly recap or something. So
Christine, Real men do occasionally watch American Idol.
So tell me do you watch American Idol? What do you think? Do you even care? Are you easily hooked in? Tell me what you think.
I never watch it...of course I don't watch much TV at all other tha sports, news, and Seinfeld re-runs. Yeah, I 'm geeky like that. Cheers Doc!!
*throws up a little in my mouth*
I have never watched it. It just hasn't sucked me in, yet.
1) No Doc, but the wife loves it.
2) I think it's bizzare that some of these reality shows have taken the place of payin your dues in professions that most folks work their tails off to succeed.
3) Not much, I have my own goals to work on.
4) Yes, but not these prime time shows.
I am a huge fan, have been since year one and I enter a pole from my old job still :) LOVE it but, I don't like the auditions...I like when it get's to Hollywood. Making fun of shitty singers doesn't appeal to me.
And I had such high hopes for you...
My husband and I watch constantly at the beginning because of the humor, drama and just out right ridiculous people that they have on the show. We taper off towards the middle and pick back up towards the end to see who wins. But all in all we really like the show and I wont miss Paula at all! She makes me want to barf with all her babble.
So, we have to wait to see what is coming.
I used to watch religiously, but the last time I ever really cared was the Jordin Sparks season. I don't like the beginning where bad singers/attention seekers try out. That seems more like exploitation than entertainment.
I might give a shot again this year. We'll see.
I get sucked in every season. That and Survivor - hook me every.time. I'm ashamed of myself, but I don't watch TV much, so I consider it a fair trade.
I can't watch the auditions. I feel so embarrassed for all the stupid people who lack any semblance of talent whatsoever. But, once they've pared things down to the more serious talent, I like to watch it.
It sucks me in ever year...every STINKIN year. I LOVE the bad singers and I'm quite sure that alot of the bad singers are staged and are doing it just to get on TV but it really makes for GOOD TV!
The year David Cook won was my favorite since he is a home town boy...and now that Ellen is on..all the more reason to watch!
I hate the whole premise of that show. But I will admit to watching the auditions. My husband and I like to make fun of all the terrible ones.
I used to watch AI, but I haven't for the past couple of seasons. I get so mad at some of the people that America votes for that I finally said forget, and now I'm a true and faithful fan of Biggest Loser. I just can't help. Those people on there are just freaking amazing!
I used to watch AI, but I haven't for the past couple of seasons. I get so mad at some of the people that America votes for that I finally said forget, and now I'm a true and faithful fan of Biggest Loser. I just can't help. Those people on there are just freaking amazing!
I want to start my own reality show called 'American Idle'. The idea is to see who can sit on their fat ass in the most creative way. I'd probably win every year myself.
I say get rid of Randy and the not so new broad. Simon could judge it alone but Ellen might be worth watching. I do like Ellen. I would like not to watch the show. I've said that for the past few years but I still do. I just really like hearing some of the talent they find.
A complete load of bollocks.
...empty bollocks at that.
Only the first episode or two. Those are by far the best.
The Joker is forced to watch American Idol when he has misbehaved or have purposefully come off his meds!
I will tell you that the Joker is still very bitter about the fact that Adam Lambert did not win American Idol last year. That show is 100% rigged.
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