-Yesterday at lunch I decided to have a treat instead of water and got an egg nog milkshake from Jack in the Box and let me tell you folks this thing was flat out yummy! I know that people fall into love or hate on the whole egg nog thing but oh my gosh you have to try one of these. It's great, very thick though. You will have to let it melt a little bit before trying to drink it through the straw. Probably not the most healthy thing you will ever have though.
- Am I the only one who doesn't like to go to CNN.com anymore now that they have changed their format?
- I will bet you that I have gotten an e-mail from Jockey.com every day since Thanksgiving promoting some sort of sale or something. Now I have never bought anything from this website and probably never will but after investigating a little further they have an account and password in my name and typical password that I use for other things like amazon or Ebay. Like I said I have NEVER bought underwear over the Internet and I wonder how I got an account at

-Here is a travesty for you. ABBA was just elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. That in itself isn't the travesty. Now we can debate whether or not ABBA is really rock and roll or if they deserve to be in the hall of fame but there should be no debate about this. KISS was once again rejected for election to the hall and that is a travesty! Say what you want but I will bet you Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons are pissed that the hall "took a chance" on ABBA and left KISS unable to "rock and roll all night and party everyday".
-Hey parents, Any hints on keeping a two and a half year old from playing with the ornaments on the tree?
-Interesting Stat counter search note of the week. Someone from Atlanta Georgia routinely checks our blog monthly searching for Jennifer Wilbanks from the same IP address. Remember her?
- Interesting search note # 2. (and this is not a joke) Someone from Wasilla, Alaska General Communication found our blog by searching for Sarah Palin. Seriously. Nahhhh It couldn't be her. She won't be caught dead in Alaska anymore now that she has gotten her ticket out.
-Do you all remember that disaster that was supposed to happen to computers on Y2K? Well of course it never really materialized. Well we are about to pass another milestone in a few weeks to 2010. I wonder if the computers are ready for it or if just maybe they have been dormant since they failed in their attack on Y2K and they are going to rise up and get us on Y2K + 10?
Eggnog gross! I will waste my calories on something better…like a banana split or a nice cup of hot chocolate with whip cream and a peppermint stick.
You can forget getting your 2 year to stop touching the ornaments, that is unless you hang the tree from the ceiling!
Chain link fencing and razor wire have sometimes been an effective barrier between two year olds and Christmas trees. Kiddos love to neuter the tree.
Have a great day Doc!
Abba... *sigh*
That's all I have to say.
I can't do the sugar and dairy combo in excess. Ice cream, milkshakes, pudding - even yogurt kills me. So after one sip, I'd have to put that sucker in the trash. But it looks so yummy.
My brother tells my nephew, who is also 2 1/2, that the tree is "Danger" - like the stove, the TV, the Wii and everything else he is unable to touch and do. That works for him.
We did what Karen's brother does. When Kyle was small he was very concerned about "danger" and "hot" and we could have told him a glass of ice water was dangerous and hot and he would have avoided it. He was a very cautious child, though. Our new one is completely the opposite and we are IN FOR IT.
That probably WAS Sarah Palin searching for anything on herself. She seems pretty vain and paranoid. Hey Sarah, if you read this: I'm glad you lost! Haha!
I'd love to try the eggnog shake, but I there aren't any Jack in the Box restaurants around here. I have to settle for the eggnog latte from Starbucks instead.
ABBA over Kiss for the Rock 'n Roll Hall of fame? That is just wrong.
ABBA???????? They only just agreed for The Stooges to enter.
It's not a Hall of Fame it's a joke.
Not a big fan of egg nog, but an egg nog milkshake doesn't sound bad. Kinda yummy actually.
LOVE the Christmas decoration on your post below. HAHAHA!!!
Eggnog? Bad. Jack in the Box? Worse.
The fact that you even want to go to CNN.com is bad enough, let alone complain about their new layout.
It is the ROCK N' ROLL Hall of Fame, right? Funny, I never considered ABBA more than a '70s disco act. I guess the RNRHOF decided to be politcally correct and/or gain a new audience.
As far as the tree, a stern 'NO' a couple of times was all it took for mine to learn. Seriously!
I'll make you think a little farther back...remember the Michaelangelo virus? I remember selling tons of Norton's Anti-virus when that thing was scaring the bytes out of everyone.
I like the fact that there is an pushback against ABBA on the blog here.... Maybe they should be in the Disco Hall of fame instead.
Mine have always known the ornaments are NOT toys - otherwise, you can place a baby gate in front of it and that may deter little hands from touching the tree....
I've never been to a Jack-In-The-Box...but I love egg nog and your drink sounds yummy!
I hope next year they take the list that didn't make it to R&R H0F and just put them in it. KISS should for sure be in there. We went to the museum for the first time last year and it was pretty impressive. But KISS needs to be there!
Yes I think Abba should be there and since I am new to reading your blog, I will keep my opinions to myself about Kiss.
The ornaments that are plastic and kid proof go on the bottom branches and the glass ones go on the top. Even though my daughter is ten now, the same procedure comes in handy for the dogs.
Not an eggnog fan and there is no Jack in the Box around here.
Mmmm...eggnog. That's all I got.
Just had eggnog last year for the first time...so glad I waited so long to try it, it's pretty yummy. A shake sounds pretty good, but, alas, we do not have Jack in the Boxes down here in the lowcountry. So I will settle for my Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks-my new absolute favorite and the quickest way to my good side!
As far as the tree, we try to put the really good ornaments up high and ornaments that the kids can "touch and play with" down low. That way it isn't such a battle over something that should really be fun, anyway.
Eggnog sounds delicious at first, but I can't imagine my stomach would be very happy with me.
and yes, I hate the new cnn.com layout, it is terrible.
That egg nog milkshake sounds TOO yummy.
Toddlers and tree ornaments. The reminder that Santa hasn't been to visit yet might help a tad.. at least until the 26th. ;)
I have always been a big fan of ABBA, but after seeing that picture I may have to reconsider my feelings. Cheers Doc!!
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