How on earth could she still rate being in the news after all this time? Well it seems that the town of Duluth, Ga is in a way getting her back for all the crap she put them through by presenting a play about the whole incident called Runaway Bride The Musical . "This play is a celebration of the people of Duluth's efforts during the whole event," Red Clay Theater managing partner Shelly Howard told the Gwinnett Herald. "Theater is all about reproducing life on stage and it is the rare case of a missing person gone good. It presents a real tongue in cheek look at how the media portrayed the whole event. Oh my gosh I bet this thing is hysterical. I wish I could see it.
The other article that popped up this week was about the luckiest guy in the world. Ms. Wilbanks' former groom to be got married to someone else recently.
I think that it's very funny that years later the news is still filled with stories about her. She fascinated the public because the entire story is just over the top. I was always fascinated with her because of the crazy eyed look that she had. Back when the story was unfolding I remember saying to my wife that something wasn't right with the story about her missing simply because she "has a crazy eyed look about her." Well it turned out that I was right, she was just crazy. However I celebrate Ms. Wilbanks for a different reason. My first ever effort into blogging was putting my spin on this odd news story three years ago. I was so moved by this crazy story that I decided to join the blogosphere (albeit on a different site) because of her. So for what it's worth Jennifer Wilbanks is somewhat responsible for this silly stuff that I write about for you all to read and comment on. I give her partial credit.
I am not sure if you all should thank her or be p.o. ed at her.... that is for you to decide.
oooh baby she's a runa runa runa runa runaway.
Yesterday when I hear her ex got married, I was so happy for him. Could you even imagine a life looking lovingly in to THOSE eyes? Yuck.
Hers eyes always bugged me, but the story in the news didn't interest me any more than a fart in a gale!
Vin - Is that your Bon Jovi impression??
Karen - The eyes scare me... I promise you that if she hadn't had crazy eyes then this would not have been the story that it was.
MickyT - Has anyone ever told you that you have a unique way with words that really gets your point across?
Ok, I've never actually heard of this girl but that was one of my fav movies! Good soundtrack too!
Doc, that is who Carley on AI resembles :)
She is a freak show. Cheers!!
Apple - Are you serious? You never heard of her? If you haven't you need to read this crazy tale... oh and I recommend that everyone rad the police report from TSG - the link is there in the post where I said "and quite graphic" if you want to get a good feel for the lie she was telling. Its about 2-3 pages long but worth the read.
Lu - I think you might be right... carly does kind of have "Crazy Eyes"
Matt Man - You love her and you know it!
Hey...leave Carly alone! Bad enough she was in the bottom 3 last night...I was stunned! Although, I'm very happy Amanda is gone...next week Kristy and then Ramiele. They gotta go!
Hey leave Ramiele alone :) I was shocked to see Carley in the bottom three too. I think I shouted something like get the f&*k outta here!
I definitely understand the "crazy eye" look. She just doesn't look right.
And ya know? If I ever run in to her, I will definitely say, "Thanks for Doc". Maybe that'll throw her right over the edge!
Thank you Bina !!
Oh and on AI.. you all know that I was pumped up that Amanda Overherself got the boot and won't get to go on tour... Awwww poor baby... HAHAHA!
Don't worry about Carly being in teh bottom 3. They put a ringer down there every year. blake Lewis made teh bottom 3 once last year. Both Reuben and Fantasia were in the bottom 3 once... It's a wake up call for folks to vote more ! Never fear Carly is safe...
Oh and Ramile MUST GO AWAY !!
Uh huh that's right, go away to tour with the other top 10.
Oh hush Lu !!
She looked absolutely nuts. I remember, she got married right about the same time I did, and altho I hated the idea of the fluffy white dress (the ceremony, not the marriage), I'm neither bright enough, nor witty enough to come up with such a story.
I give her and her googly eyes mad props for such a story.
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