Next on the floor was Jason Taylor. In the past seasons, most of the "jocks" have been pretty much train wrecks. They are too stiff and caught up in their "manliness" to let themselves loose for dancing so I didn't expect much. Wow, was I ever wrong! Jason has one of the hottest partners in Edyta Sliwinska so that helps, but I was impressed with the grace and fluidity of his Foxtrot. His efforts paid off in a 22 from the judges.
One of the sexiest men of this season, Cristian de la Fuente & partner Cheryl Burke showed off their moves in the Cha-Cha. For being a Latino, I was surprised at his lack of passion in this dance. However, his moves were good enough to earn him a 21.
Ok, so I know nothing of Adam Carolla except that his partner is the previous 2 seasons winner, Julianne Hough. Now, because of this I had high hopes but I wonder if the shows producers didn't saddle her with a loser to try and even the score. His dancing was awful! He had good footwork but was WAY too stiff and his constant talking during the judges review annoyed me. He received the lowest score for the men with at 15. If he doesn't step it up next week, he's going home.
Mario, Mario...where have you been all my life! He blew me away with his moves in the Cha-Cha. The passion that was between him and Karina Smirnoff was SMOKIN! I cannot wait to see more of this guy. Hopefully, with at score of 24, he will be around a long time!
I know many of us wondered if Steve Guttenberg (w/partner Anna Trebunskaya) was going to be goofy or not. He was very charming and is just a really likable guy! I thought his Foxtrot was fairly good and the judges gave him an 18. Not as impressive as some of the others but definately not as bad either. I am looking forward to seeing how he moves next week in the Cha-Cha.
On to the women:
First out of the gates was fellow "Pie" lover, Shannon Elizabeth & partner Derek Hough. What a great looking couple they make. Derek said he was a boy in last year's competition and is entering this one as a MAN. I wonder what he did over the break!! Shannon's Cha-Cha was a little stiff, surprising for someone who seems so in touch with herself. However, she was SMOKIN HOT in that red fringe outfit. I think she'll do well in the coming weeks. Her 21 out of 30 proved she has potential.
Monica Seles looked beautiful in her pink dress. I take back what I said earlier about her. Her partner Jonathan Roberts is one of the nices guys on the show. However, I did feel she was still way too hard around the edges and that came out in her dancing. Only 15 for a score, doesn't equal match-point in this competition.
Ok, the next dancer had me LMAO! This was Marissa Jaret Winokur and partner Tony Dovolani. Not only was their song hysterical (probably I'm the only one who thought this) but so was Tony's outfit! If I would have had internet connection last night I would have submitted that for the Tues Word Game entry. Black see-through sequined shirts and patent leather pants should be banned! At least he has a really nice chest! I felt their Cha-Cha was very tacky but that Marissa has talent if she can be reined in. Her score of 18 reflects that.
-As American as Apple Pie
Yeah...I'll have to catch it online, great recap! I was too busy watching American Idol...that Kristy Lee Cook needs to go home tonight...anyone else watch?
Ok, I have a question. I watched that thing on Monday and was confused about something. I have seen people do that Cha-Cha slide thing all the time but on the show they were getting it all wrong. They didn't jump or clap or anything.... What's up with that? *confused*
I didn't realize there was a female blogger on this site and I kept reading thinking "WTF is going on here?!" LOL The best part was how the usually ridiculously serious Tony kept laughing at this partner. I think he was trying to fill Max's shoes this season with that man cleavage baring shirt.
You are gonna get your wish Leap O' Kristie Lee Cook is going home. Even though she was better than the unlistenable Ramiele Maluby and the vomit inducing Amnada Overmeyer. David Cook freaking R O C K E D when he broke out the talk box synth I actually stood up and bowed to the TV (ask my wife) that was amazing showmanship. Carly Smithson was really good as well. Syesha was probably the 3rd best... Archuletta = blech (his act wore off after week 1) Chickeze better hope that people liked last week.. Michael Johns was really dissapointing he could have wailed on the right song (and Paula showed once again she is clueless with the ear piece thing)The rest were pretty much forgettable...
opinions anyone ?
Sorry Zen, Apple forgot to sign her work... I took care of that for her. ;-)
I agree, Doc...Ramiele is pretty hard to listen to, but Kristie needs to go. Ramilele will have to go next week...and that will be a big sob-fest since she's so emotional, etc. I'm not a big Syesha fan, but she was good last night - especially in comparison to some of her competition. I thought David Archuletta did very well last night, but I don't think he can go the distance or even anywhere close. I LOVE David Cook, Michael Johns and Carly!! I really like Brooke and Jason Castro, too. The jury is still out on Chikezie for me...although, last week's performance was great. There's just something about him that doesn't do it for me...not sure what that is. All in all, last night was nowhere near as good as last week...hope they all bring it next week!!
I predicted that Kristy Yamaguchi would be awesome on DWTS and I was right. She's gonna be tough to beat I think.
Either Brooke or Kristy Lee Cook can go home on AI. They were both just horrible this week.
Well Doc, at least in this post Ramiele wasn't vomit inducing to you simply unlistenable. Come on she is not bad, now Amanda, oops I barfed at the thought. Yep, Kristie goes home. OK DWTS, nice review Apple. It bugs me that the producers don't pair up SIZE. I know Adam was bad but he will have a hard time keeping his posture straight with his small partner, they did the same thing to JErry Rice. She would've been cute with Steve. Shannon is too tall for her partner too. Did you see Monica was wearing very low heels. Mario is SMOKIN... Marissa needs to tone the gape mouth smile way way down. I got sick of seeing it.
Leap O' - I forgot to comment on Brooke who we finally got to see a chink in the fake ass disposition of hers... Did you notice how she interrputed the judges like 19 times saying 'OK' in a sarcastic tone and then tried to apologize for it?
Lu - Do this when Ramiele sings. Look away from teh tv at the wall and just listen. Don't let the cute half pint thing fool ya. She cannot sing in English... It's like f-nails on a chalkboard to listen to... but not as bad as Amanda Overherself
Apple that was an ultra-comprehensive post. I watched the men, but the ladies conflicted with Big Brother - and this girl has priorities! So maybe I will catch it online - though after reading here I feel pretty caught up.
Strange isn't how the song sounds different when you change the visual, but it does.
AAAAP, I never watched this show. It is like Survivor? Do they eat rats too?
BTW: My McFly broke on my pants and I had to made an emergency run to Syms around the corner to buy a new pair. Otherwise, it'd be a bit drafty all day. Thank God I am an 'educated consumer'.
I loved Jason Taylor, I loved Mario and Kristi was amazing! They are starting off REALLY strong!
Oh, I like her! (Brooke, I mean...) I did notice she kept interrupting, but I think she was saying "ok" to the audience for boo-ing the judges. She was saying "it's ok" to defend Randy, Simon and Paula for the bad feed back cuz they've "been really nice" to her up until this point and she knows she deserved it.
Oh, and Doc, I do that, too!! I tend to close my eyes and listen to a lot of them b/c it really makes a difference - sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse!
I was too busy watching Idol, and hadn't realized DWTS had started without a TIVO it is one or the other and I am invested in AI now, so I will rely on your reports...nice feminine touch to the blog :)
Vin - That will teach you to not to go commando !!
Doc, Well Chole Sevigny was suppose to come by office today and I wanted to be prepared for her....
Oy, Doc - we really need that parental advisory now! LOL!
Vin - You just go ahead and keep on believing that ....
Hello Dance fans! I'm sorry I've been absent this afternoon...busy day at work. I'll do my best to catch up now.
Doc--the Cha-Cha is completely different from the Cha-Cha slide. I'll demonstrate sometime.
Jay--I'm right there with you on Kristi
Lu--I agree with you on the posture thing but I don't think that's a good enough excuse for Adam. He looked like a bumbling idiot. Yeah, I noticed Monica's heels too. Maybe Jonathan should wear lifts.
Karen--glad I could keep you in the loop. I try to practice responsible journalism. :)
TMC--no, they don't eat rats. Try watching, I have a feeling you might like it.
Carmen--my sentiments exactly!
Mama Bear--I understand your dilemma. Maybe you could switch over during commercials? Thanks for the feminine support!
Doc & TMC--that's a visual I didn't want to have!
Hey Apple... Apparently Adam Corrola called Carrieanne a B
Really? Where'd you hear that?
BTW-he was really defensive last during his comments from the judges
According to the radio thats when he said it...
AAAAP - I am going to start a rival show called 'Dancing with the Constellations'.
TMC-good luck with that.
How about 'Sock-Hopping with the Super-Novas'?
Careful Vin or she may tell you to shut your pie hole...
(Boggie with Black Holes)
He doesn't have one.
Oh man... I spelled Boogie wrong... Whoops!
I will shut my Apple Pie hole now.
Hey Lulita has a big cup of, Shut The F##k Up over on her site!
Ooh thanks for that link. I missed half the show due to a highly unimportant, accidentally answered phone call. Shannon Eliz is so cute! I hope she's in for the long haul.
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