The Cast of Jersey Shore - Who is asking for more money? These guys are. As if MTV couldn't’t take a trip down to Wildwood and throw out a net and get the same cast. (or better) Add that to the fact that Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino is writing a self help book. (yes that is no typo) and these guys deserve a nomination here for WP.
Paris Hilton - Paris is ticked off at stories she was arrested AGAIN for possession of marijuana when in fact she was only just questioned and released. Imagine that Paris angry about media coverage. Yeesh. Paris is always WP worthy but getting detained for pot 2 times in less than 10 days is special even for her. Oh and as you can see to the left she was photographed topless this weekend too. Double Yeesh.
George Steinbrenner - A vote for George is more like a lifetime achievement award for one of the surliest meanest nastiest owners in all of professional sports. Yes he passed away last week leaving a nation of Yankee fans in mourning but that doesn't change history and turn him into a nice guy. I think George deserves some consideration and he probably would be proud of it.Rachel Uchitel - Rachel is now having to go into celebrity rehab with Dr. Drew. For someone whose chief claim to fame is sleeping with Tiger Woods and then taking bribe money (a lot of it) not to blab about it to the press shouldn't your 15 minutes already be up? Of course not. She is now probably hooked on pills and needs rehab. Tick Tock Rachel Tick Tock.
There you have it folks. Lets here your comments and please vote in the poll for this Worst Person of the Week. Who should it be?
I never noticed this before, but Rachel Uchitel has "Man-Hands". Therefore I vote for her. Cheers Doc!!
I don't get the appeal of Jersey Shore, they're not even attractive let alone able to hold a convo.
As far as The Boss, it just shows money can buy you anything but you're still going to be a douche
Leave the Jersey Shore kids alone? Good for them making money before their 15 minutes expire!
And Kim, um, you better come to Jersey looking for love because that is really what you find. We are Guido-central. And I am proud of it!
I can't stand to watch "Jersey Shore" but I don't begrudge the Guidos and Guidettes going for whatever they can get. We would all ask for the best deal possible in the same situation.
Ms. Uchitel says she's addicted to pills. She just doesn't realize that she's SUPPOSED to take Valtrex everyday. ;-)
I think Imma vote for Paris.
Rachel Uchitel for sure. She's gross and seems awful proud of her behavior.
Karen - I was talking about the show not the actual people of Jersey. I am sure the two are distinctly different.
I'm voting for Lindsey Lohan! Girl just needs to stop crying and tweeting and just take your jail scentence like any normal person would have to did the crime you do the time!
Tie between Rachel and the Jersey Shore.
and you know George was a tough boss, but he had one desire to win...and many people he fired would, later in life, find some help from George in quiet ways....just saying
LOL. Kim - All of us Jersey folk are not like those Jersey Shore kids, but many, many are. Just like other places have hicks or yuppies...we have Guidos and Guidettes. :-)
The Jersey Shore kids need more money for all that hairspray and gel that they use.
Doesn't MTV get this?
Once, for about 15 minutes, I tried to watch Jersey Shore.. But, if I wanted to see trsahy chicks and guys created from
nothing more than make up, hair gel, muscles and attitude, I'm just go hang out at Wal-mart.. At least there, you liable to get a chuckle out of variety their outfits.. :):):)
I voted for Jersey Shore just because I don't want more people to try to be like them.
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