Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Worst Person of the Week 7/13/10

OK, we are going to start a new feature here at YJKOBT called the Worst Person of the Week. This new feature (with apologies to Keith Olbermann) will allow the readers of this blog to vote and decide which current news maker/celebrity is the worst person of the week. Hopefully you will enjoy.

This weeks nominees are as follows:

MEL GIBSON - Mel is nominated this week because he seems to have found himself in a dispute with his baby momma in which he launches into a racist, domestic assault filled, threat laced tirade that she catches on tape.

LINDSAY LOHAN - Miss Lohan finds herself a nominee because she continues to behave like a juvenile and has been sentenced to jail for breaking her parole. Her response? Drawing F-You to the judge on her fingernails.

ANNA CHAPMAN - She may look good but this vixen is actually a spy for Mother Russia and this past week she was captured but deftly managed to allude punishment. She was deported back to Russia but I have a funny feeling we will hear from her again.

LEBRON JAMES - Oh yes, Last but not least the scourge of the earth Lebron James makes the list for 2 reasons. First because he dared to leave Cleveland in the lurch and second for the cold hearted way that he did it. Anytime a hometown hero gets his jersey burned in effigy he deserves a not for worst person of the week.

There are the nominees. Please give me your thoughts. Which is the worst person and why? Comments and lively debate are always welcome here at YJKOBT. Please also vote in the poll which will be open for a few days so we can crown this weeks Worst Person!



Paige said...

Wow! You make it so hard to pick just one.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how this is any contest. Mel Gibson absolutely disgusts me. I thought maybe his first issue w/the DUI was possibly the alcohol talking, but I think he's seriously f'd up in the head.

Doc said...

Great... It looks like Blogger won't accept votes in the poll. Let me re create it and please try and re-vote.

Schmoop said...

Mel Gibson. Hands down. He's a major league asshole. Cheers Doc!!

Jay said...

The poll is working now. But, it's a little slow.

I'm going with Mel Gibson on this one too. Racism, antisemitism and physical and verbal abuse of women pretty much wins this round for Mel.

Charlene said...

Mel Gibson.

Lindsay is going to eventually get her act together. She'll go to jail and get off the meds and drugs. She'll get a makeover and a new wardrobe and be cast in a thoughtful feature film, and once again become the darling of all she surveys. Redemption works for young Hollywood.

Ken said...

Mel, Mel, Mel, you wonder why you don't have any friends?

Paige said...

I voted Mel too. Although I don't think he's just the worst person of the week. Maybe year... or decade... But I just have to say that I think everyone else you listed sucks too.

Doc said...

Wow, Mel getting all the votes. I know he is a racist pig but isn't there any love for a Russian spy or Lebron?

Raquel's World said...

Mel Gibson with Lindsay as the runner up

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

If the Mel story had not come out, my girl Lindsey would have won, but how can you not vote for Mel who seems to have left this planet for the planet "a**holieo"

MysteryChick said...

How sad, I have to vote for Mel. I had pics of him hanging in my locker when I was in high school. Who knew he was deranged?!

LeBron and Lindsey are both children and may or may not learn their lessons some day but they haven't reached worst status yet.

Anna Chapman is cute but inconsequential.

The Mountain Cat said...

What about the cast of Jersey Shore?

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I used to love Mel Gibson. He seemed like one of the few Hollywood types who was a family man, stuck with his wife, etc. But, this just blows all my respect for him out of the water.

Jeff B said...

I'm going with Mel aka "Cybil" Gibson.

He seems to be in a continuous downhill spiral.

Deech said...

Mel Gibson...Hands down!

They are thinking of putting him in the padded cell next to me!

Disaster Chick said...

My vote is for Lindsay. She showed how serious she is about recovery with what she wrote on her finger nails.

From what I'm hearing Mel's attorneys are saying the tapes have been tampered with. His ex-wife is saying in all the years they were married he was never violent with her or the children - and she is very respected in Hollywood. She is a credible source and really should be bitter towards him. It seems like the girlfriend set him up if she didn't have the tapes tampered with. How conveinent you are called ****** when you are recording.