MSNBC is on in the background at work and the term "mannyhose" caught my attention. Is this what I think it is? OMG - yes! Now, why would men want to punish themselves? Okay, when I wear them I go for the ones with a challenge - you know the kind that shrinks you at least a dress size - that if you were watching me get dressed you would be ROTFLYAO. I know one lady that is doing the "Pantyhose Diet". She has been gaining and losing the same 25 lbs for years. She decided that when she went above a certain weight she would wear pantyhose every day - dressy or casual until she lost the weight. Only exceptions were bedtimes and running. She said it was an uncomfortable reminder, but not torture.
Googling "mannyhose" I discovered more terms that I knew the origin: guyliner, manscara, murse, manpri (confession did have to look this one up), mandal, and mansturizer. I had heard of Metrosexuals before - but didn't know it has spread like this.
Is this a way to take back the feminizing of male names? Women - what female item do you recommend next for men to claim? Men - would you consider trying out a pair of mannyhose? What have your borrowed and liked from females?
- Disaster Chick
I "borrow" my gf's boobs as often as I can. I would like to have my own pair to have and hold. Cheers DC!!
I think boys might need MAN-pons. Maybe for anal leakage?
Sorry. My mind is sort of in the gutter today.
@Matt - a guy I went to high school with was like I don't know how you girls can handle having boobs. He then start rubbing his chest and said I would not get anything done.
@Karen or maybe it is to replace the foot from going in the mouth.
I have a younger cousin that was going to a wrestling match and was talking about seeing the guys stick tampons up their nose.
How about mouche? Ew. Grossed myself out.
Joe Namath was a man way before his time. Wearing pantyhose before it was cool. He was the original metrosexual.
Men in pantyhose--how gross!
They are not really men at all mannyhose for me...thank you very much
Good point Jay. I was thinking about Broadway Joe. :-)
I only wear pantyhiose in the winter. Never when it is warm. And I should, I am super pasty.
There is nothing wrong with a guy that takes care of himself. But there is ceratinly such a thing as being too metrosexual, IMHO.
I would be happy to share bras and water weight gain. Have fun! ;-)
I regularly wear a corset (the real kind, not just for "dress up") and I know men order off the same site I do. :-)
In high school, I dated a guy named Shannon for a while. He was a real rebel. Pretty sure it was because of the name he was stuck with.
I also know a guy named Darcy and one named a couple of them named Shannon.
don't have a suggestion for what you could steal next but however, it is concerning when men do womenly stuff, bubble baths, lotion up etc. But you did forget about manscaping, which I actually think is a good idea and don't mind sharing this.
And one more think aren't mens balls sweaty enough? mannyhose...gross!
These guys even have their own site. Legwear As Unisex Fashion. Its a scream, they act all straight and manly on their forums but scramble like mad to pick each other up in the chatrooms!
I belong to LAUF and I have never once entered the chatroom. Hope you found someone though. I find it interesting that you chose the word "scream" in place of the word "funny". ALL my gay friends use that word in the same fashion.
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. We are supposed to live in a tolerant and liberal society but still narrow minded individuals castigate and criticise anything that does not conform to their way of thinking. Live and let live.
OMG get over yourselves.
1-Those who think it is torture to wear pantyhose: STOP BUYING THE DOLLAR STORE CRAP AND SHAVE YOUR LEGS!
Try wolford just once, you will fall in love with it.
2- Men are NOT stealing pantyhose from women, men were first to wear tights, learn your freaking history.
3- I dont see why it is such an issue for men to wear pantyhose , women didnt use to wear pants and its now accepted everywhere( except maybe muslim countries etc).
4- I cannot think of anything more beautifull than a pair of legs in pantyhose.
5- Maybe some here are homophobe and for some strange reason associate one clothing item with sexuality? Like someone pointed out Joe used to wear hose and nearly half the football players today wear pantyhose or tights, get out from under that rock!
Its not mannyhose its mantyhose lol And the only thing that bogs me is that dumb trend of calling it differently because its for men, its still pantyhose and should be called that. If they start that man-whatever thing were gonna have another 10 years of hearing always the same words from all the lower IQ ppl who need to use the latest catchy word as much as they can in a day , will be so cheesy sigh ....
Oh and pantyhose actually makes sweat get away from your skin, what i do find gross is platform heels and the kind of attitude we see right here :( let ppl wear what they want , women have been wearing all kind of male clothes in the last century , in fact the first tights were made for men not women , look back at Kings and nobles a few hundred years ago.
I saw an article online and choose to write about it because I thought it was funny. Many times a blog is a way to comment on things you see out on the 'net and what you come across in daily life.
I also find pantyhose to be extremely uncomfortible, and cannot understand why someone would choose to wear them - man or woman. My preference is Leggs Sheer Energy they run anywhere between $4 - $7 per pair. I often end up helping to set up and tear down meeting rooms when I'm an attendee. Often my hose will get runs after one wearing. Needless to say I try to wear pants, but there are times I like to be girly.
Please be careful about who you call a homophobe. I was never trying to insult anyone in the gay or lesbian community. I truly believe that if you can find love hold on to it - I don't care if it is with someone of the same or different: religion, race, sex, or any other factor. I am happy for those find their soul mate and can make it work.
I will vote for same sex marriage if it ever comes to a vote in my state. I think Elizabeth Taylor and Britney Spears has done more to hurt the sanctity of marriage more than allowing same sex marriage ever could.
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