Friday, June 11, 2010

Out for the Weekend

I'm heading out of town this weekend on my way to a wedding for a good friend of mine. Should be fun to get away for a bit but I'm gonna miss home and my wife and son... I've turned into a big homebody over the past few years, especially since he was born. Even though I know I will probably have a good time and staying home would involve battles about going potty and not listening to me and my wife when we try to tell him something I would probably rather stay home than make this road trip. I mean I know it will be fun and maybe I should be looking forward to 2 nights away I'm really not.
Is anyone else like this or am I the only one?



Dana said...

As a single mom, I've never really had the option od leaving for a couple of nights. I'm a homebody by necessity :)

The AbsolutGator said...

Its nice to get away just as a change of pace, but I so look forward to getting back.

Raquel's World said...

when I left my daughter (she'll be 3 next week) for the first time for a couple days, I was miserable with worry wondering if she understood I'd be back etc. I couldn't wait to see her when I returned. But after about 30 minutes I was ready to leave again. :0

Disaster Chick said...

No kids here. But it seems like on things I drag my feet going to I usually end up having a great time.

Anonymous said...

I haven't left mine overnight yet, I've always been too anxious to be apart from them. The older they get the better it sounds, though.

Charlene said...

I enjoy my place and time. I don't have children or a live in lover, and have gotten used to spending masses of time alone. When I'm required to go somewhere like a wedding or worse a funeral or for a visit to the in-laws I hate it. I have to force myself to do it, and when I'm in the middle of it always am glad I did.

But, honestly I'm not a good traveler. I like my own bed, I guess.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I actually enjoyed a night or two away and then coming home to that big squeeze that awaited me..from my son...

Just me... said...

Never really looked forward to time spent away from DD.. And it was much harder when she was younger.. Tons of guilt about leaving her then!!
Now that she's older, she's like "woohoo, mama's outta here!" so my guilt is somewhat ameliorated.. :):):)~