As my son and I sit in the waiting room where he goes for some tutoring, his teacher comes out and says come look at these huge lizards (the ones we saw were bigger then the two below). These two lizards were on the step of the office in a similar position as pictured below. The teacher looks and says to me I think they are fighting. Um…I don’t think so! I looked to her and said I believe they are mating. I take a closer look because I was very curious and it seem they did not mind my presence at all. As I am watching I see a red penis and the obvious male seeming to be humping the female. My son is looking as close as I am and starts laughing…..he is 7. Luckily he didn't have time to ask to many questions because it was time to start his sesson. He did however check before he left to see if they were still there and they weren't. I would have to say I got my monies worth that day. With getting a science lesson up close and personal and the hour of tutoring. I had no idea that lizards even had a penis! Did you? Oh, under the picture is just a little information about how they mate, but I was pretty sure the female had a hold of the males neck. She clearly was in charge with that mating ritual!

Male lizards will approach the female from the side, with many biting the neck of the female, and try to get their cloaca in a position as close as possible to the female. At this point, the closest hemipenis is erected.
-Southern Belle
I am now referring to junk as Hemipenis. Just cuz it makes me giggle.
Neck biting is always cool.
Watching some hot lizard-on-lizard action with a dominate female? Now that's an education.
Doc...I would say he had a HEMI under the hood!
This would have been an excellent opportunity for a safe-sex talk. I'm sure those lizards forgot the Trojans!
There is a pet store that has has several giant tortoises in the winter they usually have at a farm. It seemed like every time I was in there (not often) they were mating.
I would begin to wonder if this seems to constantly happen to you.
That's my favorite position.
I will never be able to look at the Geico Gecko the same way again.
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