So what does your family use? Real live tree? Artificial? or something else all together? Vote in this weeks poll and make any comments/arguments below. Poll will be open all week.
Date - 12/24/10
Charlotte Bobcats Wins - 9
Total Miles Walked - 40.0
+/- Miles + 13.0
(Goal is to walk 3 miles for each Bobcats regular season win and 5 miles for each win in the playoffs)
Artificial. I like the idea that my 13 year old tree is suddenly hip and "green."
I am not sure how plastic is greener than a real tree. There is not too much greener than the process of planting and harvesting - even that product is Christmas trees.
I do real. No fake ever.
We have artificial. Not b/c we care about saving the lives of poor helpless little pine trees, but b/c it's less messy and we are guaranteed a fine looking tree every year! LOL But I do like real ones and would like to get one some year.
I grew tired of having to go out, find the perfect tree, drag it home - making a big mess along the way - and then the branches not being strong enough to hold some of my heavier ornaments (see today's blog - I'm an ornament addict). So, fake it is! I love it and it's certainly cheaper than buying a real one - ours has already paid for itself.
I like both and I have a artificial BUT usually it is according to my mood which one I use. You could always go with the fake and spray it with the Fresh Evergreen spray they make for fake trees..you will never know the difference (LOL)!!!
If we do...???...it will be real.
We'll have a real one. Always do. The new kitty will no doubt climb it and chaos will ensue.
No change there then...;-)
So...I was with you Doc, until last year. I went fake. In more ways than one, but I digress. I am in love with my fake tree. No stupid needles on the floor, no complaining that it's dead 3 days after you spent $75 dollars on it, I can leave my lights on all day without drying it out and the coup de grace...None of that nasty stinky end of the season tree water to clean out of the tree stand. BLAH!!!! Fake is great. *giggle*
Artificial for us (unfortunately, my lovely prelit tree has forsaken me after only three years and I have a chunk of UNlit tree near the top). We're in an apartment, so no real easy way to get a real tree in and out without making a horrendous mess.
There are "needles" that fall out, but at least plastic ones don't stab you in the foot.
@ Ginger... LOL Fake is great huh? I bet it sure is!
@ Four - I bet your kitty is a holy Terror
@Southern - the thought of evergreen spray scares me
@ mic - Just cut down a small one from behind your place
@ ETW - I saw pics of your ornaments - you need an intervention
@Jennifer - I always knew you were 'hip'
@Karen - I am with you on the real
@ 3Men - I lke your honesty...
I have never had a real tree. Like ever. Never.
Of course I also have allergies. So do my kids.
Fake all the way, baby...
Oh and I can't even remember how old this tree is, so I would say I do get my money's worth!
Our one-bedroom apartment in NYC is just too dang small for a tree....sighhhh. I do love trees, and we always had a real one when I was growing up. I hope that within the next few years we'll have a bigger place so we have room for a tree! In the meantime, I'll just look longingly into the windows of other apartments that have trees...
Living in an apartment we have a small artificial tree, but I prefer real ones. Cheers Doc!!
Hubby has always preferred a fake tree. He states "safety" reasons but I really think it's because we tend to run late on getting our Christmas decorations up (like this year) and a fake tree can just be dragged down whenever and put back whenever. Also, his truck is no longer driveable and he's just not a strap the tree down to the top of your car guy. Oh and one more thing, our house is a split level so he would have to carry the tree upstairs.
OUr fake tree has brought us years of happiness so I guess I could claim it is sentimental now too. :)
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