This weeks poll is about Christmas cartoon specials. I picked out what I think are the most popular and made the poll. Which is your favorite? Do you like Rudolph or Frosty? How about Charlie Brown? My personal favorite is the Grinch. Watched it on Tivo just last week with my son for the first time. I just love the sneaky Grinch and his little dog.
Which of these is your favorite? Please vote in the poll and of course comment and defend your choice. Let me know if there are any of your favorites out there that I have forgotten.
His a mean one Mr. Grinch…..love,love,love it! He is my absolute favorite! I have it on VHS if you remember what that is? What a great cartoon for kids to see what the real meaning of Christmas is! The Whos in Whoville did not care that they had nothing left of Christmas when they woke. They had each other and that is the most important part of Christmas. I think we all probably forget sometimes what it is really all about!
I like them all, except Santa Claus is coming to town. That one kind of sucked. I do think the Burgermeister guy is funny, though, with his pointed German helmet. I guess Rudolph is my favorite. I think George Lucas stole his Wampa idea from the abominable snowman. They look remarkably similar.
Go Charlie!!!!!!!!
Rudolph, definitely! So many great characters - Yukon Cornelius, Hermie the Dentist, the Abominable. And the hero, Rudolph, saves the day in the end!
Hard to choose a favorite...but I make it a point to watch Charlie Brown and The Grinch every year, always been my faves, I guess.
I love the Grinch but I can't not vote for Charlie Brown and Snoopy or there would likely be some kind of karmic retribution... Probably some kind of strange flesh eating infection in the vicinity of my Snoopy tattoo. LOL
I can't argue with any of them... but Paige definetely has the best reason!
"That's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown."
The kids and I have all claimed a move from the wild dance number in the middle of the cartoon. I always do the pony.
We are weird like that.
The little girl that travels back to the north pole with Frosty is named Karen. That alone makes it the best of the options!
But my favorite is Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christams. The. Best. Ever.
I vote for Rudy we have something in common or would that be W.C Fields?
Thats true Karen, I had forgotten that!
Charlie Brown all the way!!!
They are all good, but Rudolph got my vote. A movie Jenn and I watch every Christmas is the The Ref w/ Denis Leary. It was a video we rented during our first Christmas as a couple.
Emmet Otter is one of my very faves, but the Grinch makes me laugh every time.
What is this Emmett Otter Jug Band stuff about? I have never heard of that one.
I haven't heard of Emmett Otter either... will have to research that one...
Thanks for your votes and comments folks.
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