Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my
Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after two
days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever. Great stories,
but two things made me take it down.
First, the cops advised me
that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove
Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost
killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize that it was fake
until she climbed to the top (she was not happy).
By the way, she
was one of the many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it
either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my
Merry Christmas !
Wow what do you think this guy does for Halloween? Don't do it at your house Doc, it's been done :)
I dig it. It's a bee yoo tee ful prank. Cheers Doc!!
You are putting ideas into my head. That is a very dangerous thing to do...;-)
Awww, the cops take all the fun out of everything!
I like it! Very clever.
ROFL! At least it shows that some people still have a good heart and would stop to help!
I was really thinking about how to do that when I was putting lights up last night... wouldn't work on my garage though... too close to the ground. People wouldn't stop - they would laugh.
Yeah, I saw this the other day and thought it was hilarious. We have billboards around town that are very similar, men falling off ladders from the top of the billboards, etc. They look very real and actually made me look twice a couple of times!
"people wouldn't stop, they would laugh"...too funny.
That is quite the set up. It looks so real! Very funny!
That is HILARIOUS!! I needed a laugh today.
My husband is so popular with the neighbors that if this were my house, they would be parked on lawn chairs with popcorn waiting for the broken bones.
No one would ever believe my husband was actually trying to put Christmas lights up.
That is hysterical!
Oh I have seen this and it's hilarious. Thanks for the laugh and for your visit to my blog. Much appreciated. :)
I love that!!!! Where do you get a fake ladder?
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