- I have never before in my life been to a full military funeral. It's always been one of those things that I have seen on TV or in the movies but never attended. On Saturday I was honored to attend the services for Retired Col. Clifford Crews in Jacksonville Florida. The burial included the playing of reveille, taps, and a 21 gun salute much as pictured to the right here. It was a very moving service and something that I think everyone should experience at some point in their life.
-Several odd things happened to me on my trip this weekend involving the music on the radio. Oddity #1 - When I got out of the car Friday night at the hotel the last song I heard was Shania Twain "That don't impress me much" The next morning I get back on the road after fueling back up and the very next song that comes on was Shania Twain "That don't impress me much." Weird. Oddity # 2 Between 5:30 and 6:15 am Saturday morning on two separate radio stations I heard the song "If I Can't Have You (I Don't Want Nobody Baby)" by Yvonne Elliman. I am familiar with this song but the odds of hearing it twice in an hour on my drive have to be pretty long. Is that song making some sort of comeback? Oddity # 3 The exact same thing happened later with the song "She's Come Undone" by the Guess Who. There are some odd radio stations in coastal SC and Ga.

-Who knew that the term Rock and Roll was a euphemism for sex? I didn't I guess I really do learn something new everyday. It may not be valuable information but at least I learn something.
-So I have decided to try and get in a little bit better shape and along with going back the gym and eating a little bit better and smaller portions I have decided to get back into my walking. During my lunch hour after I eat I am going walking. I am trying to do between a mile and a mile and a half per day. My goal is to walk 100 miles during the Charlotte Bobcats season which averages out to less than a mile per workday (but I built in days off like yesterday for weather) So far I am 7.8 miles down and 92.2 to go.
-Is anyone else really getting tired of Jimmy Football? He is starting to make me want to throw things at the TV.
-I am already tired of hearing all the hype over the new Twilight movie and it hasn't even come out yet.... Hey Robert Pattinson just remember who it was who gave you your start and made you famous. Harry Potter !!
-I have noticed that our office has installed not just one but two automated external defibrillator or AEDs on the walls here. Now I understand the principle that having these may save a life someday and I'm all for it but installing two of them? And that's just on my floor. I am quite sure that if I go down and look there are probably 2 on each floor. Does anyone else have defibrillators on the walls at their work (non-medical workers of course)? Isn't there something subtly there saying that "be careful working here can give you a heart attack"?
-I am already tired of hearing all the hype over the new Twilight movie and it hasn't even come out yet.... Hey Robert Pattinson just remember who it was who gave you your start and made you famous. Harry Potter !!
-I have noticed that our office has installed not just one but two automated external defibrillator or AEDs on the walls here. Now I understand the principle that having these may save a life someday and I'm all for it but installing two of them? And that's just on my floor. I am quite sure that if I go down and look there are probably 2 on each floor. Does anyone else have defibrillators on the walls at their work (non-medical workers of course)? Isn't there something subtly there saying that "be careful working here can give you a heart attack"?

-Am I a bad Dad because when I watch Sesame Street with my son I always check to see if Leela is on that episode because I think she is hot?
-Now I am no fan of country music (although I do like Taylor Swift) and certainly didn't watch the CMA Awards last night but there was a lot of twitter chat about this singer (or group) named Lady Antebellum. I was wondering if this was country music's answer to Lady Gaga.
-What a miserable football weekend I had last weekend. Not only did all the teams that I pull for end up losing, but they did it in the worst possible ways. Each of the three teams I pull for managed to lose a lead and end up being beaten handily by the opposition. Hoping for better luck this weekend for the AL Brown Wonders, The FSU Seminoles (taking Patrick to his first Seminoles game on Saturday) and Carolina Panthers.
First of all Doc…don’t knock the Twilight hype until you have actually read the books. And for Robert Pattison he is just hotter then Harry Potter….not his fault at all! I also have been to a military funeral and they are very emotional…words can not describe a 21 gun salute! Sesame Street fantasy….I will say no more!
Who cares if Robert Pattison is hotter than Potter? No me I am simply saying he needs to thank Harry (and he who must not be named) for even being in the twilight movies... See HP year #4
I have seen HP year #4! Robert Pattison is also a talented musician. There is one seen where he sang and played the guitar as well as co-writing a song on the sound track. He also plays the piano....very talented young man.
I've kinda missed reading the thoughts in your head Doc :)
All I can say is, I sell defibrillators and I WISH I had been the one to sell them to your office. Sounds like a great salesperson!
Welcome back!
I didn't know that about Rock and Roll...but I do know what "blow your mind" means.
My husband hates that Jimmy guy, too.
Seeing as he got bumped off in HP 4 he had to do some'at eh? Mind you...you couldn't build a movie career out of being called Cedric!
Gym? As in exercise? I exercise! I blink regularly...
Now look. I have explained this regularly on American blogs.
For a start they don't use their feet to kick (apart from the kicker). It's nearest counterpart is Rugby - and it has to be said - a well known 'American Football' team declined to play rugby on the grounds they'd have to leave all their 'padding' at home.
And while we're on the subject of American sport. What's all this 'World Series' crap in baseball?
Name another country of the world that participates.
There yer go.
I ain't havin' a go...honest...I love the Yanks but get real.
I have no idea who Taylor Swift is....which is probably a good thing...;-)
If I don't scare you sometimes Lu I would be worried if I were you? :p
Good to see you too RLL... We are back... hopefully better than before!
Mandy.. It figures that you would sell those things... but come on be real do you really need 2 within sight of each other??
nice to meet you 3 Men... don't be a stranger
Four Dinners... we will just have to agree to disagree. But Canada and a bunch of Europe participate... LOL
Is the Napoleon bridge itty bitty?
HEY ANNDI!!! Good to see you... as you can see I'm baaaack.
and no it was huge... but that was my initial thought too. (I guess that florida actually had a governor named Napoleon Bonaparte Broward in the past - it explains a few things if you ask me ) :p
I agree on a couple of your thoughts...
#1- I don't understand the Twilight sensation. Robert Pattison..really? I hear he desn't like to shower..nice, very vampirish.
#2-I watch iCarly with my sons because I think the brother is cute..so no, watching SS because of Leela is not a bad thing ;)
#3-I'm a Kansas Football fan...we are sucking bad this year and don't even get me started on the KC Chiefs..WORST TEAM in FB. At least you don't have that to root for!
Graet blog..will be stopping by again for sure! ;)
Chandra... thanks for the Ok on Leela. I will go with it
(sad she wasn't on today)
Let's see "do you really need 2 within sight of each other?"
I refuse to answer that on grounds it may cost me future sales. And those are some REALLY good sales, especially when you add in the cost of training, maintaining the batteries, electrodes, etc...
Wow, really wish I had made that sale...Wonder if they even came from my company??
I'm glad you were able to make it down for the service. It meant a lot.
Ya know, I've been going over the Dames Pointe bridge for 20 years and never once noticed the sign w/ it's official name. That just isn't like me.
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