Tuesday, May 20, 2008

PEACHFEST - Tuesday Word Game 5/20/08

Welcome to the first annual YJKOBT Peachfest!!

A couple of quick notes:
-If you are new to our blog, Welcome! Each Tuesday at noon we play a little game where we make up humorous endings to odd news stories. The best entry each week wins my "Peach" award which is a depiction of the peach water tower in Gaffney SC.
-Today is a special day and we are trying for a record 500 entries in 5 hours.
-Everyone who contributes a comment gets a commemorative "t-shirt" Please see the post below this one to pick up a shirt!
-Thank you to MickyT who came up with the idea for Peachfest. Thank you to Leighann who designed the T-Shirts and a big thank you to all of our loyal readers who are supporting this effort today !!

Now - On with the game !!

I knew that I had to come up with something good for this edition of Tuesday Word game so where do we head? I figured a good place to start would be Iceland's Penis museum of course. (specimens pictured to the left) Give this phallic news article a read and tell me if the founder of this place doesn't suffer from a tiny bit of penis envy. Yeesh.

Well for this weeks word game I figured that if they could have a penile museum we could certainly come up with a few hundred other types of funny and interesting museums or museum exhibits. Complete the following passage from the news article below with your own funny or odd idea or exhibit for a museum.

HUSAVIK, Iceland (Reuters) - Sigurdur Hjartarson is missing a human penis. But he's not worried: four men have promised to donate theirs to him when they die.
Hjartarson is founder and owner of the Icelandic Phallological Museum, which offers visitors from around the world a close-up look at the long and the short of the male reproductive organ.
His collection, which began in 1974 with a single bull's penis that looked something like a riding crop, now boasts 261 preserved members from 90 species.

A growing number of people from all over the world view the collection each year, 60 percent of them women.
"We had 6,000 visitors last summer and actually made a profit," Hjartarson said with a smile.

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Enter as many suggestions as you like since we are trying for 500 comments in 5 hours today... Or just simply comment on what someone else has to say. Join the conversation. It will be fun.

Happy Peachfest everyone!



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Lu' said...

Oops I jumped the gun. Want this to be for fest. Theme song rocks Doc.

Doc said...

How's it look everyone ???

Leighann said...

Looks fantastic! Are you leaving it up all week or just today?

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of plaster replicas of the private parts of all women who performed in the Vagina Monologues.

Doc said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature an exhibit of cow pattys from around the world!

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will be a Celebrity Dental Cavity Museum, featuring "The Gary Busey"!

Doc said...

Just for today Leighann....

Lu' said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Breasts. They have spotters thoughout the Us looking for candidates. Leighann, you weren't crazy when you thought you were being followed.

Doc said...

BTW - If you haven't hit refresh on the main page - go ahead and do it.... I fixed some things.

AND you have to go listen to the theme song..

ON TO 500 !!

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature an entire wing dedicated to the adoptive children of Brad and Angelina. They have to start keeping them somewhere!

As American as Apple Pie said...

So I'm thinking I should have changed my name to As American as Peach Pie just for today.

Leighann said...

My breats better be the main attraction!

As American as Apple Pie said...

Love the song! Is there some sexual connotation there or did my ears deceive me?

Lu' said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Butts, big and small. Has anyone seen Bertha?

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature sexual fetishes, complete with live demonstrations.

Lu' said...

aaaaPie, that would have been fitting. Maybe a pic of an apple pie too.

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature

101 things to do with a single Peach.

Lu' said...

Oh crap, I meant peach pie of course.

Doc said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature an exhibit explaining how Yo Gabba Gabba changed the world !

The Mountain Cat said...

My breats better be the main attraction!

Leighann, what's a 'breat'? LOL

Doc said...

LOL @ Lu

Doc said...

Leighann... you can have the main attraction!

Lu' said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Fake legs and one bitch. Can any one out there guess who it will be named after? hmmmm.

Karen said...

I haven't even read the article yet, but I have to say...it looks amazing here. Good job Doc!!

Karen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature Heather Mills Memoirs. How she survived before Paul's money.

Lu' said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Cats and rats and elephants and maybe a unicorn...

Leighann said...

Mt Cat you know damn well what I meant. Don't make me kick your ass so soon into the festivities!

NoRegrets said...

Really, they need to have examples of the things the peniii go into.
Fish tacos.

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature Mt Cat's Sex life. From virginity to extinction.

NoRegrets said...

Can you pickle a fish taco?

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature The Bog of Eternal Stench. AKA Omarosa's Vajayjay.

Doc said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature Mt Cat's Sex life. From virginity to extinction.


Lu' said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Nipples. They weren't given quite the loan amount they were asking for so they have picked out a smaller feature item.

Doc said...

BTW - Don't forget to check out the t-shirts in the post below... If you make a comment you get a shirt for your blog....

Natalie said...

Because of their sucess their next museum will feature used tissues donated by the celebrities who autographed them.

Anonymous said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Brittany Spears and all her crotchless wonders!

Doc said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature the many lives of the drummers from This is Spinal Tap

As American as Apple Pie said...

I'm back.

LMAO @ Leighann! Because of their success their next museum will feature The Bog of Eternal Stench. AKA Omarosa's Vajayjay.

Doc said...

Ya'll are killing me... Thank you for stopping by NoRegrets and Natalie !!

Hey Single... how's the weather in Ky?

As American as Apple Pie said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature things that have "a party in your tummy".

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I did a Tuesday Word game... I am late but hey I got a song for yall!!

I know some of you know this...

Hotel, Motel Holiday INN The party did not start still Single Typed In!!! WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I looks good up in here!!!!

I will be back.. because today is Legal Stalking day here At YJKOBT!!!

Lu' said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Sheep's clothing, suprisingly no shortage of donations. There are a lot of lonely ranchers out there.

NoRegrets said...

Well, WNG tells us to come here and she's not even visited. That wench. She must have had vodka for lunch.

Leighann said...

Welcome back Peach Pie!

Because of their success their next museum will feature the many (flavors)personalities of the YJKOBT women!

Karen said...

Leighann you are on fire today!

Because of their success their next museum will feature the history of mammograms. A film crew will be following our own Leighann on her voyage today.

Leighann said...

Vodka for lunch.... is that a bad thing?

Leighann said...

Karen I'm hoping to score some pics of todays smash!!

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of John McCain's used depends.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I made a comment somewhere along the line... I got to refresh...

Karen said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature the ever changing evolution of Mt. Cat's blog icon.

I can't keep up the updates.

The Mountain Cat said...

Does anyone know who my photo is and why it is significant for today's Peachfest??

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature Jesus shaped toenail clippings.

NoRegrets said...

Vodka for lunch. No, not bad. But when she's supposed to be peaching! Here she said she could drink for 12 hours and not have a hangover and she's off drinking her lunch and not commenting here.

Peaching. I like that word.

The Mountain Cat said...

Karen, I want to see your big red lips again baby!

Lu' said...

Nice pie, Peaches.

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

Foreskins. Where you've got one you had the other.

Doc said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature Hillary clinton math... as in how she still thinks she can win the nomination.

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of all the people who lived in Bagwine, Ohio.

Doc said...

Does anyone know who my photo is and why it is significant for today's Peachfest??

I do, but I won't spoil it for others.

Lu' said...

Ty Cobb, nope.

Anonymous said...

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.

When reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please:

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This information will help us to track down your specific problem and fix it! We apologize for the inconvenience.

That is what I get when I try to comment.. commmooooooonnnnnnneeee

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of all of Heather Mills' prostetics.

Doc said...

Hey Lesley Baby !!!

Welcome to our friend from down under who stayed up in the middle of the night to join us for Peachfest... I luv Ya BABY !!!

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature an entire wing dedicated to tortue devices made specifically for George W. Bush.

Anonymous said...

because of their success their next museum will feature....Condums ...261 of them...used for 91 different species...they will also be used as birth control for those who find the original exhibit more than arrousing

Doc said...

Sorry you are having issues Lesley. :-(

Try closing the window and opening a new one....

Karen said...

Mt. Cat - is it a member of the Rockfort Peaches from A League of Their Own??

Nah, it seems to be a man.

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a labodomy room for Bush supporters. Come in disillusioned, leave feeling fresh and new!

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of mixed tapes The Mountain Cat's mom bought from Doc's mom.

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of autographed Cynical Bastard Viking Helmets.

Leighann said...

Ty Cobb


Peach Cobbler?


The Mountain Cat said...

This is comment #73.

Leighann said...

Lesley, that happened to me too. Refresh your page!!

Karen said...

Because of their success their next museum will be devoted to the Emmy Award winning series Yo Gabba Gabba.

Leighann said...

Damnit, I have to pee!

The Mountain Cat said...

Leighann, you are very close!

Anonymous said...

The weather is Rainy!!!!!!!!!!
But the Peach fest is HOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!

The Mountain Cat said...

Hint: Where was Ty Cobb born?

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection kegs thrown by Absolutgator.

Lu' said...

I got the stupid can't post message too.

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________.

A display of the comments from YJKOBT that tell Mt Cat how wrong he was for not returning the tapes to Doc.

Anonymous said...

Doc No issues that I can't smile at.. lol ( and that was a wicked laugh)
Because of their success their next museum will feature rare collections of Hugh's H's Play Mates, the ones that got away!

Doc said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature the evolution of YJKOBT.

Lu' said...

Ooh Georgia. Georgia Peach baby, prrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Doc said...

Mt. Cat - is it a member of the Rockfort Peaches from A League of Their Own??

How did I forget about the Rockford Peaches... CRAP !!!!

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of Leighann's 'breats'.

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature my husbands brains after I bash them out for leaving the toilet seat up AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature _________________. YJKOBT Women & all of the Peach(es) you can eat!!!!

Knight said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature the many wooden legs of Heather Mills.

Already used? I don't have time to go back and read.

Anonymous said...

because of their success the museum will feature all the cousins MtCat has previously annoyed with his sarcasm, wit, and,annoyance..
Vin I think you need a cup of tea!!! we luv ya dude

Leighann said...

Mt Cat I'm going to turn your ball sack into a yo-yo!

The Mountain Cat said...

Hey I was just at Annikan McFly's webpage and she is having 'PomegranateFest' as well today.

Doc said...

Single... If the weather is rainy then you probably shouldn't get a white t-shirt from below or maybe you should... :p

Dianne said...

Holy Crap!!

Took me forever to get on! I was screaming at the screen "Who do I have to blow to get on this page!?"

Leighann - I bow to the workings of your mind my twisted sister. Even if you were flat your mind makes you hot!!!

Because of their success the next museum will feature___________.

"The history of female waxing. Visuals will include vaginas in their natural state all the way through to the Brazillian. Eyebrows with and without botox will be a special exhibit"

moo said...

Next museum will feature a collection of fingernails, donated from various sources around the world!

(and EW!)

Knight said...

Damn, I hate being late!

Because of their success their next museum will feature various artworks painted with relics from the penis museum.

Doc said...

Mt Cat I'm going to turn your ball sack into a yo-yo!

OMG !!!

The Mountain Cat said...

Leighann, Is this anger towards me about me not returning your phones call after that night we shared at the Bagwine Ramada?

Lu' said...

Mt Cat I'm going to turn your ball sack into a yo-yo!

ha ha ha you are the very best Leighann!

Anonymous said...

Oh DOC!!! Did Not Think of That!!! A White T-Shirt it is!!! HAHA!!

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature the lint from celebrity belly buttons.

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of my cousin Pat's husbands. HARSH!

Lu' said...

It's probably got to do with the three hard thrust and a howdy do, but she's taking it out on you.

Leighann said...

Mt Cat my anger stems from the fact that once again you clung to my leg crying like a bitch when I tried to leave.

How many "good boys" do you need, really?

Doc said...

Dianne = Wow!

Welcome Moo

Hey Knight... Heather Mills should get her own wing in the golddigger Hall of Fame. That counts asa museum

hey Pat... you keep Vin's feet to the fire. 'cause I can't

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of Bill Clinton's used cigars.

Knight said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature displays of various items that make men feel inadequate. The first display will be the Gaffney SC Peach Water Tower.

Doc said...

That has to be some sort of record for 100 comments in less than 40 minutes... And where the hell is MickyT ???

This was his idea...

Doc said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature displays of various items that make men feel inadequate. The first display will be the Gaffney SC Peach Water Tower.

and the second is that whale penis.

Karen said...


LOL. Good One. Too Funny!!

Lu' said...

Because of their success the next museum will feature___________.

A photo display of all the jobs Micky-t has taken on.

As American as Apple Pie said...

Well, Holy Commenting Batman! I'm gone for 20 mins and there are 60 more comments. Don't blow your wad all at once guys! Pace yourselves.

The Mountain Cat said...

Fine Leighann. I just want my dog collar back and I will return your feathered plunger & bottle of bacon grease.

Ken said...

My God I'm soo late! no time to read yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol @ Leighann and Mt.Cat
May I say... I hate Heather Mills! ok, I dislike her then...

Doc said...

A photo display of all the jobs Micky-t has taken on.

That would take more than one museam

Anonymous said...

hey Vin I was just going to write how many last names I can acquire in a lifetime...LOl
Because of their success their next museum will feature the 19,000 songs that keep Mtcat warm at night

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature displays of gold thongs worn by Yankee players.

Dianne said...

Because of their success the next museum will feature ___________.

"All of Hillary Clinton's pantsuits - naturally stain free of course"

Karen said...

I was just going to ask where Micky T was. Being late to Peachfest - unacceptable. Isn't he the Grand Marshall?

Miss Merry Sunshine said...

Because of their success the next museum will feature___________.

A photo display of the sad, sad state of Miss Merry's panty drawer...better know as the dildo graveyard!

Ken said...

I still haven't finied reading anything!!!!!!!!

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of how many times Hillary Clinton said 'It's not over yet'.

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of sawdust under Mickey-T's blue hat.

The Mountain Cat said...

I have to do some work now. I'll be back....

Doc said...

Isn't he the Grand Marshall?

Yep - He is supposed to be out on his boat and waving hello to everyone and tossing peaches to all the lovely ladies!

Ken said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature an Ostrich laying peaches. They expect to draw thousands of spectators!

Anonymous said...

Because of their success the next museum will feature all the promises the presidential candidates have made before their election and never kept once elected

Anonymous said...

lmao @ Mickey -T..

Dianne said...

Because of their success the next museum will feature a collection of wax stautues of ALL the fat women who sang when it WAS over.

Doc said...

Miss Merry Sunshine just almost made me pee my pants... Oh my !!!

Unknown said...

Ah! I just got back from picking up my van at the dealer ship! I'm LATE!

Love the new look by the way.

Leighann said...

Mt Cat, I borrowed the bottle of bacon grease from your mother. She can have it back. :)

As American as Apple Pie said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature an interactive Starbucks exhibit where you too can be a barista and create your very own custom drink. (I know this is one of Doc and Mt Cat secret dreams)

Acrimony said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature wax replica's of every instance in which we've seen Britney Spears' vagina.

Unknown said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature all of Pamela Anderson's removed breast implants.

As American as Apple Pie said...

TMC--you're actually working!!! Didn't you take the day off for this...Karen did. Way to take one for the team.

Leighann said...

Bina.... ew LOL

And didn't she have them put back in?

Unknown said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature the dog hair removed from Paris Hilton's mini skirts.

The Mountain Cat said...

Leighann, Leave my mother out of this!! God you've got me so hot right now.

Leighann said...

Talis, let's hope it's not flavored wax!!

As American as Apple Pie said...

Miss Merry--we need to take you shopping girl.

Leighann said...

Oh sorry Mt Cat, I thought you liked it when she watched ;)

The Mountain Cat said...

Ty Cobb's nicknames is the Georgia_______?

Doc said...

Ah! I just got back from picking up my van at the dealer ship! I'm LATE!

Love the new look by the way.

Hey Bina !! I hope your van is ok... Glad you could make it!

Lu' said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature all of Pamela Anderson's removed breast implants.

Ikea tried to purchase them from Pam to be sold as a new line of chairs. Displayed in their store next to the older style beanbag chair.

Anonymous said...

because of their success the next museum will feature.. YKOBT bloggers and their best comments for the first annual Peachfest...Go Doc and MtCat

Unknown said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature toe nail clippings of the stars.

Leighann said...

One hour until my massive boobie smash.... anyone wanna go in my place??

The Mountain Cat said...

Leighann, Can I motorboat with you? ROTFL!

Anonymous said...

Leighann - TMC's mom probably got it from Doc's mom who took it from Doc...the bottle of bacon grease that is. So, what does that mean...hmmmm. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Did we do the one with the foreskins?
If not .. because of their success their next museum will feature a display of foreskins or is that fore-skins dating from the early 1500's

Dianne said...

Because of their success the next museum will feature wall size replicates of every EKG every administered to Dick Cheney.

A larger location is in the works.

Anonymous said...

...and Doc, you did a FABULOUS job here, fo sho!!!

Leighann said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature all the people Leighann is going to hate by the end of the day!

Unknown said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature cooter shots of Britny Spears, Lynsday Lohan, and Paris Hilton.

Doc said...

Hey Tali... welcome to the madness!

Anonymous said...

oh, and just to follow up from yesterday - I DID have a crappy day yesterday...and I am NOT anonymous!!

Sorry I missed out on the fun...!

Lu' said...

Ty Cobb's nicknames is the Georgia_______?


Dianne said...

leighann - if i could I'd go WITH you and hold your boobies - or your hand.

Leighann said...

Mt Cat, you know you can. Would you like me to put some beer in my cleavage for you?

As American as Apple Pie said...

OMG!!! I can't keep up with you people!

Unknown said...

Can I not freaking type?????

Heck, you know who I mean!!!!

Doc said...

Welcome Leap O - thanks I think it looks just peachy keen in here today !

Miss Merry Sunshine said...

I know Apple it's too depressing to even talk about...

Leighann said...

LeapO -- now I'm wondering if it really WAS bacon grease!

As American as Apple Pie said...

Leighann--my thoughts will be with you!

The Mountain Cat said...

Leighann, No. Just bacon grease please. *gigglesnort*

Doc said...

Mt Cat, you know you can. Would you like me to put some beer in my cleavage for you?

Ya'll get a room if you are gonna do that...

Unknown said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature all the T-shirts every worn by Simon on AI.

Karen said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature Miley Cyrus's imminent fall from grace.

Doc said...

169 comments in the first hour... IMPRESSIVE !!

Leighann said...

Dianne can I hold your boobs for moral support??

Acrimony said...

Leighann - Yea seriously because the whole museum would smelly like nasty fish. ;)

Doc - I think you're going to get 500 comments in an hour at the pace you're going here. ;)

Lu' said...

Mt Cat, you know you can. Would you like me to put some beer in my cleavage for you?

I'm thinking he could bathe in your cleavage?

Anonymous said...

Leighann, things that make you go 'hmmmm'.....

Leighann said...

Apple (Peach) Pie, thanks darlin :)

The Mountain Cat said...

Wow a new record.

As American as Apple Pie said...

Bina--sorry for your van troubles. I am in the same boat. What kind do you have? Email me and we'll compare notes.

Doc said...

Ty Cobb's nicknames is the Georgia_______?


Lulita.. you are killing me over here...

Ok now I have to run to the bathroom... BRB

Leighann said...

I'm never going to catch up with the comments once I leave!

Lu' said...

Who loves ya YJKOBT, we do!

The Mountain Cat said...

As American as Peach Pie.

Anonymous said...

I have to run out and get my salad, but I'm afraid to leave! It'll take my entire lunch hour to read 'n catch up when I get back!!

Leighann said...

Doc, we're going to use YOUR room!

Ken said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature Mt Cat's Sex life. From virginity to extinction.

L My F Ass Off

And to think I thought Leighanne might not show!

Acrimony said...

I wonder how long it's going to take blogger to crash over this. ;)

Phfrankie Bondo said...

the next museum will feature the entire Heather Mills Wooden Leg Collection, Featuring All Woods Except Norwegien, which is in "The Judge Decreed She Couldn't Have It, So She Spilled Water On Him" Museum

Ken said...

This is as hard as a bulls penis to keep up with!!!

The Mountain Cat said...

MickyT I having sex right now!

Anonymous said...

the Museum will feature all items confiscated from body cavity searches at all American International Airports...

Leighann said...

Lu, bathing in cleavage.... sounds fun!

Dianne said...

"Dianne can I hold your boobs for moral support??"

Leighann - of course honey!! of course!!
I'm oiling them up and painting my nipples as we speak.

Anonymous said...

Smiles.. Doc> Don't be too long..
omg.. I'm enjoying this.. This is good, even is it is 3 am over here.

As American as Apple Pie said...

Yes, Mt Cat?

Lu' said...

Leighann what time do you get the melons mashed?

Karen said...

I am afraid to go to grab lunch. I will never catch up!

Ken said...

MC I can't feel a thing, push harder!

Lu' said...

dianne, LOL at painted nipples.

Karen said...

Lesley! 3 AM! That is devotion - you might get the most honorable peach award or something for that!

The Mountain Cat said...

Because of their success their next museum will feature a collection of ancient yo-yo ball sacks

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