I went back and re-read this morning and since I have to pick only one I decided to go with an entry from my favorite clay pigeon shooter who is now going by NuLu (I prefer to call her Lulita) and posts the blog PAGREENERY for this hilarious entry:
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of trying to order the energy commission to harness her flatulance to power some small towns and give her monetary kick backs, or pie.
Lulita you crack me up... Come and get your peach baby!
Thanks Doc. Lulita, Lu or NuLu, call me what you will but as the saying goes, just don't call me late for dinner. I knew you were going to have a tough one this time. I thought Bina was up for her third peach with the comment about Britney Spears missing dog. I'm going to go fondle my peach now.
I can't wait to have some local peaches. I missed then so last year.
You are right Lulita, there were tons of really funny entries... Several others came close... Congrats on your peach... It sure looks juicy!
Congrats Lu! You were on a roll yesterday and definitely deserved it!
YAY for Lu!
Congratulations Lu! You always have funny ones, but I really enjoyed all of them and I had fun with it too! Good choice of topic!
Dana, Doc, aaaaPie, Leighann :) and Bina, thanks y'all. I noticed an absense of some regular players, could've played out differently, but I'm taking it. I liked the one Doc chose too. Doc, looks like Tuesday the 20th is going to have a difficult time hitting the 500 mark unless folks are saving themselves for that day. This topic was good. You have your work cut out for you for next week.
COngrat NuLu, Now stop changing your name!
Doc, looks like Tuesday the 20th is going to have a difficult time hitting the 500 mark unless folks are saving themselves for that day. This topic was good. You have your work cut out for you for next week.
Thanks for the support... LOL!
I am already looking for a good news story for next weeks game... I hope people were saving themselves for next Tuesday. We were a bit down yesterday interms of visitors....
I think it was the "or pie" that made this the obvious winner. When I first read it I have to admit a bit of coffee escaped my mouth.
I wasn't around much yesterday but I am revving up for the fest.
Mt Cat, thanks! I only changed my name once and that was as if you went from Mountain Cat to Mt Cat, an abreviation. I was christened NuLu by I think Dana, sorry I suffer from CRS. It's not like I change my picture as often as some poor souls change their underware when suffering from a case of the trots. So how many times have you changed your picture any way?
Knight, it was actually the pie part that I found funny.
I think it was the "or pie" that made this the obvious winner.
You got it... There were so many good ones that I go back and read them again... That line about pie is what stuck out!
Wow... Lu is slapping around the Mt. Cat... HA!
(you do change your picture like I change hats buddy)
Congrats Lu you kicked butt on this one. I missed the whole show. Busy with company!
or pie! LOL
Thanks Micky-t you were missed too. You could tell there was a smart ass missing :)
Crap a jack...I gotta check this blog every 5 minutes....I sure as heck dont wanna be missing out on any more word games...
It's my mission to win a peach...my blog needs a face lift LMAO...
Wish me luck....HA HA
Lu, you crack me up.. Congrats on winning your Peach..
DOC.. What time would the Peachfest be on for me?
How many hours difference?
Sitting.... You can win a peach. I accept entries overnight on Tuesdays... Enter as often as you like!
Lesley.... I left you a note on your blog telling you that I think Peachfest will be like 2-7 am your time....
sittin in silence, Crap a jack that is funny. Be sure to participate 5/20/08 and be a part of the first Peach Fest.
Have set an alarm on my phone...will get Les to remind me as well....
I like the...can enter as many times as you like bit....
I'll be needing that....
Cannie wait !!!
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