For Tuesday word game this week lets make up some other outrageous things this judge may have done. Complete the following passage from the real news story with a really good abuse of power that this motorized scooter driving crazy power mad judge may have done. The best answer gets a peach:
LAS VEGAS - Elizabeth Halverson is a judge. But the way courthouse staffers see it, she expects to be treated like a queen.
Her former bailiff, for example, says Halverson made him feel like a "houseboy." He says the judge — who is obese and uses a motorized scooter to get around — made him put her shoes on her feet, massage her back, cover her with a blanket for naps and make sure her oxygen tank was filled. He says she asked him, "Do you want to worship me from near or afar?"
Halverson also surrounded herself with her own hired guards, saying she did not trust the courthouse security force to protect her. Another time, she allegedly had her husband sworn in so that she could ask him under oath if he had completed chores at home.
Since then, the 50-year-old Nevada district judge has been locked out of her Las Vegas courtroom, suspended from the bench and brought up on judicial-misconduct charges that include not only misusing her position and treating her staff like personal valets, but also tainting juries and falling asleep on the bench.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of _______________________ .
Answer as often as you like in a comment and may the best answer win... Plus don't forget NEXT TUESDAY is a special edition of Tuesday Word Game for PEACHFEST! Make sure you have some time to drop by next Tuesday afternoon.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of inhibiting OJ in the search for the "real killers"
She tried to order the AMA to redefine the criteria for being obese to that of weighing over 500 pounds.
She refused to marry any couples where the bride was better looking than her. She has performed no weddings while in office.
Along with his other duties she tried to order the baliff to wipe her ass for her since she can't reach it but he said HELL NO. She allowed him to stay because at least he crammed her feet into her shoes for her, she can't reach those either.
I love this...I have a bunch of real things that judges have done that I want use.
Rumors have surfaced that she also ordred a diminutive staff member to "Get in my belly!"
You are scaring me NuLu....LOL!
I am glad that you like this topic Karen, Right up your alley!
Rumors have surfaced that she also failed to display the mandatory "wide load" sticker on the back of her motorized Jazzy.
She tried to order McDonalds to deliver to her office and bump up the sandwhich in a combo from one to two, while super sizing her orders at no additional charge.
she ordered that her oxygen tank be filled 3/4 O2 and 1/4 sugar vapor.
She ordered all convicted male inmates to her chambers to have at a woman one last time before going to jail. Some opted for the increased jail time she threatened for refusal to get jiggy with it.
Lu' - You are on fire today!
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of being declared a professional and no longer allowed to enter amateur costume contests dressed as Jabba the Hut while having her baliff dressed as princess Lea
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of eating too much Jambalaya at a New Orleans festival that she passed
wind so hard it destroyed the Gulf Coast levees just prior to Hurricane Katrina.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of jury intimidation for threatening jurors with jail time if they didn't stand at attention and salute her.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of hoarding all the peaches she can find to undermine Monday's Peachfest.
Peachfest is Tuesday Vin....
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of taking kickbacks from the Scooter store.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of sleeping with Shamu at SeaWorld then not calling her again. Shamu then got so depressed, she was no longer able to perform her amazing tricks and became reclusive causing Sea World to lose millions of dollars.
Nice one Karen!
Thanks Karen I appreciate the nod.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of _____________________________ .
trying to order the energy commission to harness her flatulance to power some small towns and give her monetary kick backs, or pie.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of _____________________________ .
She tried to order the Goodyear Company to you her likeness for a new model blimp.
She tried to order Snoop Dog to help her bark like a bitch
Thanks wng, I miss commenting here but it's a pain at work. I've got it a little better. Takes 1.30 min for the comment box to open. Anyone who knows why that is?
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of _____________________________ .
Trying to get the couthouse IT guys to create a keyboard with wider space between the keys so she could type more quickly with out alway having to correct qwui;lty and of course other words but that one is her favorite.
placing a phoney community service sentence in file stating that her husband had to have sex with her a minimum of once a week. She is facing charges of cruel and unusual punishment.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of being a major cause of "greenhouse gasses"
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of having a sexual ruminations in Bagwine, Ohio.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of having an inapropriate sexual relationship with Roger Clemens and shooting him up in the butt with HGH.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of _____________________________ .
ordering spilunkers to visit her nether region.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of ordering her staff to wipe her ass because she couldn't reach it herself.
Rumors have surfaced she has replaced the plaque above her bench which once read "God Bless America" with a sign which reads "God Damn America". Senator Obama could not be reached for comment.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of crop dusting the court room on her way to the bench!
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of demanding the balif lick her "chicken fried" fingers clean before she takes the bench.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of sitting on Brittany Spear's Chihuahua, Cooter, that was asleep in the judges chambers. The animal hasn't been seen since.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of making Michal Jackson thrillher by spanking that big fat ass!
Rumors have surfaced that she has ordered several male attorneys in to her chambers for some private "gavel banging".
She is also accused of going after McDonalds for scooter height drive thru. She lost.
Ya'll Crack me up !!!!
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of faking the moon landing and spending her vacations in Roswell New Mexico.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of faking the moon landing and spending her vacations in Roswell New Mexico.
Prior to her visit, that was no meteor shower.
She is ordering the banning of all harpoons near public beaches so she too can enjoy the sand and surf.
Lu should get her own show on Comedy Channel.
"Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of making all the defendants, witnesses, and lawyers put on Bollywood song and dance routine for the jury."
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of she had all the defendants scheduled for each day sing a Mariah Carey song and had the jury vote off the loser.
Rumors have surfaced that she is also accused of making "talk like a pirate day" a national holiday.
Rumors have surfaced that she's using the red Yo Gabba Gabba character for activities he was not designed for.
Rumors have surfaced that she's sueing Heather Mills over jealousy that she at least has 2 legs to stand on, even if one's wooden.
ROTFL @ Apple !
Rumors have surfaced that she is smuggling cocaine to cellmates in her fat rolls.
Wait, didn't Heather Mills sue her for trying to have relations with Heather's leg. (Court documents didn't indicate whether it was the wooden leg.)
Rumors have surfaced that she is suing walmart for not making the tents big enough to wear.
Speaking of Yo Gabba Gabba, rummor has it that she is planning on banning the show since she took the "party in my tummy" litteraly and ate all her mandatory guests at her naughty nighty party. The charges just keep mounting, kinda like her grocery bill.
Welcome Lady Eli... I was hoping you would join us !!
Ok... I think the funniest thing I have seen today is the picture that 'Apple Hubby' has for his profile... OMG that deserves something just for his creative sneakyness... ROTFLMAO !!!
You know, http://www.fark.com is an excellent source for future "Word Game" candidate articles.
Darn it! I want a peach and after reading these comments, I know that I will never reach my lofty goal.
May I ask where you found your peach pic? We have a Big peach off of I-65 in Alabama and that looks alot like it. THAT's why I am a coveter of the peach.
Have a great day.
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