-Update from last weeks thoughts. The ebay situation we were having worked out fine. We got the baby play yards and they are great! We weren't screwed on ebay.
-On Monday Hillary Clinton told a group of supporters the following at Tudor's Biscuit World in Charleston, West Virginia: "A woman is like a tea bag. Yyou never know how strong she is until she is in hot water." Ummmm Hil, that might not have been the best simile to use there hon.

-I wonder what would happen if you tried to listen to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon while watching "The Wiz"
-Interesting search note of the week. Someone from Metairie, La found our blog by searching "Annoying Nabisco Miss Mary Mack" It seems that someone out there agrees with me that the Nabisco ad is annoying.
-What do the following names have in common: Jacob, Logan, Aiden, Elijah, Gavin, Angel, Caleb, Luke, Landon, Aidan, Diego, Jason, Luis, Jeremiah, Wyatt, Xavier, Jesus, Bryan, Brian, Tristan, Liam, Carson, Ayden, Alejandro, Brody, Jesse, Vincent, Jake, Kaleb, and Preston?
All of these names were more popular boys baby names in 2007 than my son Patrick whose name came in 116th according to the Social Security Administration. In recent years the popularity of his name has really gone down. From the early 1970's until 1992 the name Patrick was consistently in the Top 30 names. In 1993 it started to slip further each year. In 2004 it fell to #100 and still continues to decline in popularity each year. It seems that my son will actually have a more unique name when he is in school than many of his more popularly named classmates. Funny, I always thought Patrick was a pretty popular name.
If you want to check out the list for yourself click here they have listings for the Top 1000 names each year for boys and girls. Some interesting stuff on there.
-I heard the song "Video Killed the radio star" by the Buggles yesterday. I still love that song for some reason.
-Does anyone else really love the smell of Pine-Sol ?
-This weeks most annoying TV commercial is anything that Billy Mays is hawking. that guy's voice drives me up the wall.

-I don't know if I mentioned this before but here is a fun fact. The lead singer of the group "Survivor" is also the singer for those Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" commercials.
-Last weekend I went to Village fest in downtown Kannapolis NC (I was doing research for our own upcoming fest of course) There was a native American booth there. They were selling art, craft and t-shirts. I just had to buy the T-shirt you see me wearing pictured to the right. This may be the best most clever T-shirt I have ever seen...
-Everyone make sure and wish AAA Apple Pie a Happy Birthday tomorrow!
-I actually saw this bumper sticker yesterday. 'Honk if Hillary Scares the Hell Out of You' The mini-van that it was on also had one of those 'W' stickers from 4 years ago. It was kind of old and faded... kind of like Bush's presidential policies.
-Speaking of politics, I saw the following headline yesterday, "Navy denies Chelsea Clinton access to firing range" Is that scary to anyone else or just me?
-The next two weekends are some of my favorite of the entire year. The races are in town this weekend (The All-Star Race) and next (The Coca-Cola 600) I love it... Add in Peachfest right in the middle and I am loving the month of May right now.
Doc, OMG!!! Video Killed the Radio Star is randomly playing on my iPod right now!!! 1 out of 19,000!!! OMG what are the odds??? I swear to you I am not making this up!!! WOW!!!!!
He's making it up...j/k!
...and Doc, love the T-shirt!!
"We hear the playback and it seems so long ago"
That is just the type of totally random thing that would happen to us... I know you aren't making it up.
I just had to buy the T-shirt you see me wearing pictured to the right. Does anyone else feel flushed right now? What a good pic. The t-shirt verbage, sad so sad! The Government F&*ked them but good.
Unreal man. Now 'That Smell' by Skynyd is playing. sho' nuff.
I am currently on hold with a radio station trying to win free gass for a year !!
Blah....I didn't win :-x
LOL, Doc!!
Doc, I guess they didn't 'pass gas' to you.
Hey Doc call me, I'll try and pass you the gas, ha ha ha.
Pine-Sol works for me Doc.
Always did. I think it's primal.
I've seen that picture and message of the Indians before,
but not on a T, I like it alot!
Maybe you should set up something now, so that anyone who will be at Peachfest can tell us all what time or times they can be there, or not at all. You know, get a feel for the attendence.
Did that make any sense?
I love the smell of Pine-Sol. It's comforting. Mr. Clean on the other hand makes me gag. and I don't like the way he smells either ...
Hilary Clinton got that phrase from Eleanore Roosevelt....
Pine Sol is great
the Original Lysol I love too
First of all, check you out Doc! Very nice.
One of my friends changed her name a couple years ago from Ashley to Ava. She felt Ashley was too common. Now Ashley is steadily dropping in popularity and Ava has been one of the top five names the last couple years. Ooops! The best my name ranked was 122 in 1995.
I'm going to try listening to Dark side of the moon with the whiz and see if I have nightmares.
Totaly unrelated subject but I find it's the perfect oportunity for me to use the text of,
Bwaahahahahahaha for the very first time!
President Bush feted Israel on Thursday in honor of the 60th anniversary of its founding and predicted that its 120th birthday would find it alongside a Palestinian state and in an all-democratic neighborhood free of today's oppression, restrictions on freedom and extremist Muslim movements.
President Bush I thought that was enough to go, Bwaahahahahahahaha!
Hey Doc call me, I'll try and pass you the gas, ha ha ha.
I tried to call you - the line was busy... LOL!
I love the smell of Pine-Sol, so refreshing isn't it.
Can we be udner the influence of something while we watch the Wiz and listen to Floyd???
Glad the EBay deal worked out!
My daughter's name came in at 204 (Charlotte). She will also be uniquely named!
Video killed the radio star reminds me of a great movie; Empire Records...
I tried to call you - the line was busy... LOL!
That's alright, I had beans for lunch. Call back. LOL!
Maybe you should set up something now, so that anyone who will be at Peachfest can tell us all what time or times they can be there, or not at all. You know, get a feel for the attendence.
Ok when can you be there?
Heck I think we will have quite a few people... Karen has the afternoon off from court. The ladies from Austrailia are going to wake up really early... Leighann has an apptment but will be here a bit.... I am here for the duration... Oh BTW I think I found the perfect news article for the word game today!!
Mr. Clean on the other hand makes me gag.
Blech... Mr clean is terrible - you are correct!
First of all, check you out Doc! Very nice.
Is it the Mets hat on backwards or the t-shirt? LOL
I'll be showing up around one I think. To bad we couldn't tape this somehow!
Can we be udner the influence of something while we watch the Wiz and listen to Floyd???
I would be dissapointed if you weren't
DPH... Charlotte is a very nice name. But I am biased because of where I live.
To bad we couldn't tape this somehow!
Tape it? Well the 'Word game' post will certainly be enshrined in the yet to be constructed Hall of Fame... BTW - I am planning on a few asthetic changes to the blog for that day....
I think NuLu should be limited to 248 comments. We don't want her to overpower the competition. HaHaHa
I love the group Survivor!!
Ah Micky-t, I already feel self conscious about it. I have held back many a time. We need to bring it if we are to hit the goal of 500 though.
Oh, and my name isn't even on the list, which I am taking to be further proof of my awesomeness...not that I needed any :)
Wow! mine was in the 600s I think... If you aren't even on it that is a unique name! (how much do you want to bet Barack is a big mover up on that list for next year?)
I think NuLu should be limited to 248 comments. We don't want her to overpower the competition. HaHaHa
You hush Mic... I love NuLuLu's commentary, The more the merrier I say
Hey Carmen.. Long time no see!!!!
Lu, PLEASE!!! Let it spew forth!
This is the time NOT to hold back. Shoot nobody's gonna have time to respond anyway, it's gonna be a
Clusterpeach of comments!
We need to bring it if we are to hit the goal of 500 though.
We have done 60 comments in an hour before without any coordinated effort 100 an hour should be no problem... We will be just plain peachy on Tuesday!
Pine-Sol is nasty. It reminds of the old outhouse we used to have my parent's cabin in Lake George. I am shuddering just thinking about that smell.
Anndi,Leighann,Bina and Lu could do 500 on there own.
My guess is 743 at 4:59PM
LOL @ Karen!
743 ?? that is a bunch for sure... I say 548.
But you are right Mic. Those 4 can sure comment up a storm....
Glad eBay worked out. I've always had great luck there.
Hillary. Hillary. Hillary. Need I say more?
My name, and none of my kids name are on the lists I saw. Pretty cool, huh?
I LOVE "Video Killed the Radio Star".
And Pine-Sol? Ditto here. You just NOW your house clean when you smell that stuff, unless of course, it's from where you son poured it on the cat thinking he was giving her a bath and then you have to rush her to the vet and spend a few hundred on her so she won't die. (Boy, that was a long time ago.)
I HATE those Progressive commercials with that lady with the weird eye make-up and she says, "WOW! I know, I say it louder." Anything with her makes me want to change the channel.
LOVE what Dianne said about Mr. Clean! She is so funny.
I was thinking of taking a half day from work just so I can have fun and be uninterupted. It's my birthday That Friday so I thought I'd use that as an excuse. My husband already thinks I spend too much time in blogland. Hell I make reference to y'all in conversation like I know you or something. I like it here :)
The t-shirt is even cuter on you than when I saw it that day. I do love the backwards hat and that cocky half-grin. Makes me wonder what you're thinking about...;p
My name is #81 but if you put that annoying 'h' on the end then it is #18. Chile # 1 is consistantly in the 30s, Chile #2 is 8 and has been in the top 10 for the millenium. Chile #3 is 36th and been steadily growning more popular. This is fascinating stuff!
Great! Now I have "Video killed the radio star" stuck in my head. Thanks, Doc.
NuLu--Don't feel bad about the amount of time spent in bloggerland. I talk about everyone with hubby like I know them personally too. Course, now I've corrupted him and he has created a blogger acct too!
I love you guys!
I HATE those Progressive commercials with that lady with the weird eye make-up and she says, "WOW! I know, I say it louder." Anything with her makes me want to change the channel.
Awwwww come on Bina... I LOVE those commercials... Especially the new one where the guy is hiding a boat and RV from his wife.... "Let's bag this up!" LOL
BTW - Her name is ' Flo '
Pine-sol makes me think of this camp I went to in my "formative years". Ahhh, fond memories.
aaaaPie, just the other evening he was on MY COMPUTER and he started to put the top on the laptop down, I'm like what are you doing? Don't shut that off. I get eyeballs from him of course and I say hey, you flop in front of the tv the entire night, what's the difference between that and me with the computer? He's got no agrument because there isn't one.
Does anyone else really love the smell of Pine-Sol ?
Ummmm ... NO! And I find it a bit disturbing that you do *giggle*
Hell I make reference to y'all in conversation like I know you or something.
You do know us...
Okay, so the Progressive com you mentioned, and she yells "Surprise!" I have to admit, that is one I DO like, but honestly? Not any of the others.
Just to be very plain because some people are still confused about Peachfest... There are no REAL t-shirts... We have had someone make up t-shirts to "wear" on your blog just like you would a peach award or Lion's kiss... Everyone who participates gets one to put on their blog if they wish... But NO I HAVE NOT MADE UP REAL T-SHIRTS!!
(Sorry if there was any confusion. I thought I cleared this up before)
Heck I wish I could afford to make up real shirts they would be cool - Maybe next year....
Oh some one of us must be able to afford to get them done. Come on now step up to the plate!!!!
I'll surely pay for mine!
Take my order.
I blew my t-shirt budget for the month on that native American tee last Saturday.
That is the coolest T-shirt ever.
Ok Doc, so we're getting t-shirts to wear while we blog? cool. Where should we send the money.
hee hee hee.
...I belive my mother's womb was filled with Pine-Sol...it is unequivically one of the finest smells in all the land...
I belive my mother's womb was filled with Pine-Sol...
Phfrankie, ha ha ha !
Unless I missed it I'm glad to see that Matthew dropped out of the top 20 names. I hated my husband for wanting him to be named after someone who was named Matthew. So common! But that's ok he's a cute kid. Then I totally screwed #3 with a fucked up name like Ciaran (pronounced Keer-in). ;)
I love Patrick btw. It's my #2 son's middle name. =-)
I love pink floyd...but don't love hilary.
Doc, looking good in that shirt ;-)
Ayden came in at 260 or around that in the yr 2000 list but spelt wrong of course cos my son IS individual... His name seemed to become popular after he was born.
I will be here for Peachfest.. What time was it again.. lol.. kidding, just kidding.. Thanks for finding out for me..
Apple Pie I'm going to say Happy Birthday to you tonight just incase I don't get here in time tomorrow.
Hugs and lots more hugs.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
Luv Lesley
Thanks for the hugs Lesley!
Always a bonus when you dont get screwed over on e-bay !!
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