The weekend is finally here (almost).....
Happy Birthday Apple... Mt. Cat and I made something for you:

(edited to add the following)
For any of you who have not read my friend Knight's Open letter to Rock Band I implore you to visit her site immediately and read her excellent commentary on this scourge of the earth that is destined to subjugate our youth, teach them not to respect musicians, and worst of all slowly sap away musical knowledge and learning to play a real musical instrument. Thank you Knight for speaking up for those of us who feel this way but haven't had the courage to speak. I am in awe of your greatness. I will PIMP your blog any time, Thank you - Doc
Have a great day Apple, eat pie!
Thanks guys! That pie looks yummy...all warm and gooey. Mmmmmmmm!! Do you have any "whipped cream" for that?
Happy happy Birthday Baby...
Happy Birthday aaaaPie. Many happy returns.
Happy Birthday...Hope you had a wonderful day !...
Doc--way to tread on my b-day wishes. I can't imagine you ever not having the courage to speak your mind on something. Rock Band is great for those of us who will never learn to play guitar or drums. It is not to take away from real musicians, it is a way for some to play out their dreams. Yes, I know I sound like the commercial. I don't think there is anyone who plays who thinks that they are real musicians. It's just a game!!!
Sorry to disagree with you Apple and I don't mean to sour your birthday but instead of making a new post (and moving your birthday wishes down the screen) I added on because Knight's post is one of the most brilliantly worded posts I have read in a long time. I am sorry I simply disagree with you. That rock band game is exactly waht she says it is.
Happy Birthday Apple! Don't share with Jason Biggs.
Happy Birthday Apple.
I am going to play a little Rock Band in your honor this evening. I freaking LOVE that GAME.
I have to agree Doc. I was around at the beginning of these games, pong, asteriods, Pac Man etc. I was addicted for a short time throwing quarters in a machine untill I realised it was an addiction. I quit cold turkey and never went back!
MT Cat--I'm sure I should know but who is Jason Biggs?
Karen--Yay! Have fun and thanks!
Lu, Silence, wng--Thanks! I hope to have a great day to do whatever the hell I want. No deadlines, time restraints, or kids. Totally ME day! Does that sound selfish?
AAAAP, Did you see the film 'American Pie'? Jason Biggs is the main character and he gets a 'little too personal' with an apple pie.
Happy Birthday Apple!!!!
I read Knights post yesterday but have no idea what Rock Band is?! Is it like Guitar Hero?
I'm one of those mean moms that doesn't allow the kids to sit around playing video games hours on end. Their only game console is a stoneage Playstation. They only play it once a month.... if that!
Yeah Leighann... It's guitar hero on steroids. It adds a bass guitar, drums, and even singing I guess.
Mt Cat--Oh, that's right! Of course I remember now...that is one of my favorite movies! Hilarious!
Thanks Leighann! For all my talking about Guitar Hero and Rock Band, I don't own either. We don't have any video games at home, just a PS2 in the youth room. I understand how it sucks the life out of people too, but I promote playing for fun once in a while in small doses!
Happy Birthday AAAAPIE!!!
Thanks for Pimping my Rock Band bashing Doc! I get why people are into the game. I do. I just really hate it. I gave it a chance. I played. I've watched friends play on numerous occasions. I just hate it.
For Apple.
You are more than welcom Knight... I have watched it numerous times and just never really figured out why I dislike it so much until I read your posting... you have led me to the light. Thank you
(of course I am being slighty over dramatic with the whole thing but that is just for effect. I do hate those games)
My cousin Pat loves her Guitar Hero! I can't play it as I am lefthanded and that darn thing is only made ofr righties :..(
First of Happy Birthday Apple, you sexy bitch!!!
Second-that rock band is a good time!! Stop sounding like such an old man Doc! It's all about fun...but, before I comment too much I'll go read Knight's post :)
OK read the post and I agree with some points such as being addicted to the game...this can be a problem for kids with any game and it drives me mad. My son plays Runescape on line and I've found him sitting on the floor beside the computer in tears because some dude "stole his dagger" or some shit. At that point I turn the game off and force him to run around the house 10 timeS!
See... Video games are going to be the destruction of our youth!
My son will have no video games that aren't educational.
No deadlines, time restraints, or kids. Totally ME day! Does that sound selfish?
Selfish? NO, I want one too? YES!
Happy Birthday Apple!!
I loved Knight's post. In her comments I even went so far as to compare these freakin' 'so you wanna be a musician' games to the onset of music videos (yes - I am that old!!). Heaven freakin' forbid we listen to a song and imagine our own images. and now - heaven forbid we just play a freakin' instrument.
I too am exaggerating a bit doc - but then again, not by much :)
Happy Birthday Apple!!!
I was hoping to be able to click on that picture and find something even more yummy behind it *gigglesnort*
They say it's your birthday!
Dat Da Da Dat Da
So Happy Birthday!
Dat Da Da Dat Da!
Happy Birthday Apple!!!!!!!!!
I had a great time out tonight I'll post more (of what I remember) later this weekend! Cheere!
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