I hope that everyone had a great weekend. I did. Went to Apple's little birthday celebration on Friday and had a good time after Mt. Cat's Top 10 list set a record for comments. Spent time with my wife and son and watching racing Saturday. Yesterday we chilled out, I got things ready for tomorrow and then watched my NY Mets complete a mini two game sweep of the Yankees at their house. NICE ! What did you guys do this weekend?
A couple of things. First of all there will not be a poll this week due in part to Peachfest. We will need that space over there on the right for a few special pictures of things and not a poll. The poll will return next Monday.
Second, everything should be ready for Peachfest. The word game is already scheduled. It should be a good one with plenty of chance for commentary and conversation. I am really looking forward to tomorrow afternoon.
Third, if you want to invite your friends to participate in Peachfest tomorrow please feel free. The more the merrier I say. We have a lot of fun with Tuesday word game and tomorrow should be great !!
I slept allllllll weekend! except time to go to church!!! I watched racing also! I cannot get enough of Nascar!!!
I am ready to do some legal stalking due to peach fest, I can come and comment many many times with out being labeled a stalker!!! YAY!!!!
See ya later I am going back to sleep! haha!!
Check out my marriage ad! I am trying to find a hubby, I hope my add will draw me in some Good Men!! hahahaha!
Last night I was discussing my availabiltiy for the week with my sis in law so we could schedule some shopping together. I pulled out my PDA and said "I can probably run to the mall after Peachfest on Tuesday." Peachfest is a huge priority in my life.
Alright for the Mets!
Looks like rain here for Peachfest tomorrow, perfect!
Happy Monday to you!!!!
I am a virgin PeachFest attendee so I'm all a tingle and a bit nervous.
What should I wear?
Dianne: It's OK, were all new to Peachfest and Doc is supplying some peachy T-Shirts.
Single... glad to hear you enjoy the NASCAR. You should come down for a race sometime.
Karen... you make me smile !!
Mic... It's gonna rain here tomorrow afternoon as well. Wet Peaches!
Dianne... Oh don't be nervous. We are going to have a blogging Peachy good time! And you can wear whatever you want... There will be "t-shirts" to prove you were in attendance though. You can take your pick.
thanks micky, thanks doc :)
and if it rains there will be all those wet peachy t-shirts.
I'm looking forward to seeing Leighanns.
I miss you all terribly! I have been super busy and work and in my personal life... But I will do must best to partake in a little Peach Fest tomorrow!
Looking forward to it!
My weekend was pretty chill so that was nice! I was hoping to take Fatty and DB jr. to the pool but, it was just a teeny bit too cool, bummer. I will be here tomorrow!!
LOL @ Dianne... I would look forward to that too!
Glad you had a fun birthday party Apple.
Hey Doc, your wife drunk dialed me on Friday night! How much did she drink??
Hey Miss Merry... Sorry you couldn't make it to Apple's party :(
Mt. Cat... she only had a few beers on Friday. And she claims it was not a drunk dial at all but simply trying to track back whatever # called us because your name didn't come up on caller ID.
I know I just like saying 'drunk dial'. Sort of like when I broke the bed with your wife Melissa on your wedding night! Doc, do you want to explain that one for our readers? LOL
Sounds like you guys did Apple's b-day the RIGHT way!
What did I do all weekend? Felt like crap, but still finished the fence woo hoo! and cleaned the house and your basic worked my ass off in a house all weekend where OTHER people live but don't seem to care what it looks like! LOL
Can't wait for tomorrow, and damn straight we'll get 500!
I'll be putting on my big hat and some shiny bling and pimping Peach Fest on my blog. I might even drink a little less tonight and go to bed early just to be better rested for it. ;-)
Mt. Cat...I wasn't in the room when you and my wife broke the bed on our wedding night. I was out in the hall with Absolut and Patrick's uncle... LOL!
Bina...I sure hope you are feeling better today... and I love your enthusiasm about tomorrow.
Jay... Thank you very much for Pimpin' us on your blog. You have quite the huge readership. LOL @ drinking a little less.
G... Thank you in advance for inviting people. I am really starting to get excited
After the wedding reception, Doc and Melissa had a party in their holtel room and we all brought up the last remaining beer keg. Melissa was sitting on the bed and I sat down next her really fast and the cheap metal under the bed gave way and we fell over. So technically, I broke the bed with Shane's wife that night.
I'm soooo excited for PeachFest!!!
I had a pretty fine weekend, not too bad.
You know I am bummed, I may miss out on Peach Fest 2008, I stupidly agreed to go babysit my nephew and I doubt that I will have the ability to get online while doing that, but I damn well plan to try!
Doc I'm excited about Peachfest. I have made a schedule.. This will be the first time I am online the same time as all of you.. Dianne I will be attending in my P.j's.. lol.. oh and a Peachy T.shirt ! Or maybe just the t.shirt.. It will be the middle of the night and I will be the only one awake...
Lol @ Mt Cat you broke the bed! naughty....
Les...I too will be joining you in my Peter Alexnader P'J's...wish it was with Peter himself..but then again the poor guy is gay !...
Such a waste....
Anyway...2am my time....Bloody hell....Oops am I alllowed to say that?.....
See ya then....xoxox
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