Good morning everyone! I had a great time last night! It was probably one of my best birthdays ever. I got to have a day all to myself to do what I want. I got to have lunch with my BFF. I spent 1-1/2 hours at Altell (wait, that wasn't a good part). I was hoping to get my new phone but they won't let me until next Fri. Something about being within 90 days of your contract expiring. Well, why didn't you just tell me that when I got here instead of wasting my time?! *end rant*
As someone mentioned last night, I don't just celebrate THE DAY, I celebrate the whole week...sometimes longer. Mostly it started on Thurs morning when I got myself a salon spray tan. I look like I spent a week on Barbados (I wish). But the nice part tan lines...anywhere. Then on Thurs night I got a manicure. I just love getting beautified. Sometimes I am such a girly-girl! So being sufficiently pampered I had to have a new Birthday Dress!
Doc, Patrick's Mommy, Apple Hubby and I all had a couple drinks and then went across the street to dinner. It was a beautiful night so we sat outside. All was great, listening to some live music when there was some screeching. These 2 little girls were dancing and singing, which got us to talking about Karoke. Now, I love me some Karoke. One of my previous lives had me working in a bar that had karoke every month. It was a great time to stay after shift and sing a few tunes. I wonder if Doc has the same position on this as Rock Band. After all, isn't karoke like making fun of the "real" songs?
Anyway, after dinner we all went back to The Wine Room and I got my
heel stuck in the door jam going in. Not the best way to make an entrance. Here we were joined by my BFF and his wife. BFF took one look at me and asked if I was sober....Hell No! Apple Hubby decided to give me my present since everyone was there. Isn't it cute? -->
No, seriously...he got me a custom made belly button ring with a dangling emerald. It is BEAUTIFUL! I'll try to get pics of it up later.

-As American as Apple Pie
I went out last night? Next thing you will try to tell me is that I called Mt. Cat, or that I was impressed with the quality of paper napkins. That Beer was GOOD! It was great to get out for an evening!
Glad you had a great birthday celebration. But, where were the strippers? You can't have a birthday without strippers! ;-)
I am so happy you had a wonderful B-DAY!!!!!!!
Did you have a drink for me????
Jay--I would gladly have welcomed male strippers had someone arranged for them!
PM--Yes, yes you did! We'll have to plan another.
Single--I had one for you and several other people as well!
Happy birthday! Yesterday was my son's 5th birthday too! He got to see Iron Man and loved it.
Hey Absolut! Great to hear from you. I hope your son had a great day yesterday too! I'm excited to see Prince Caspian tomorrow.
Wait! We had to see the dress (off), the belly-button ring (off) and the cake (not quite)! I feel cheated!!
Glad you had such a great bithday week!!!!!!!!
Spell-Check Please
I'll try to get some REAL pics up tomorrow.
I'm glad to hear you had a fantastic time and had a drink for me too.. :-)
I had some for you last night too.
I hope you like vanilla vodka shots cos that's what I was drinking.
Happy Birthday week..
LOL @ I got my heel stuck in the door jam going in.
And no... karaoke is fine (as long as you can sing)
BTW - I wonder if anyone else has gotten the unintended irony of the title of this blog post...LOL
What do you mean unintended?
Because there is no way you would have intended 'let them eat cake' if you understood what it meant... LOL
lmao @ Doc
It's tomorrow... I'm Looking but no pics....... :-)
oh yeah and I also noticed
up the top of the
You are funny Lesley... I guess it's always tomorrow where you are !
Awww!! Did you miss me??? I would have loved to come! So glad you had fun and that dress is smokin!
Glad you had such a great birthday! What could be better than a whole day all about YOU!
And where did your friend get that glass? I would love to get my friend one. Her b-day is next month!
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