Since last week really seemed to be a downer, I thought I should turn the tables this week and talk about the things in life that give me joy.
1. Running--I know, to some this may seem crazy, but I love the feeling I have after I run. Actually, I even like the feeling when I'm running...once I get in a couple miles. Running allows me to clear my head and pound the stress out. It keeps me grounded. Plus, after running 6 or more miles, I can eat whatever I want!
2. Bonfires--I'm a little bit of a pyromaniac but I love fire. It is so mesmerizing! And the warmth is awesome! There is something so simplistic about staring into the flames that brings a sense of contentment and peace.
4. Really good food--it doesn't take much to make me happy.
5. Good friends--good friends are hard to come by so when they do, you must never take them for granted, b/c when they're gone, it's heartbreaking.
6. Breathing--as Lulita reminded me last week, BREATHE! It does wonders for calming your soul. Also, one of the best things is when you've had a cold and that first moment you can take a full breath.
7. Music--music has the power to evoke many emotions. Whatever mood I'm in, I'm certain to find a song that suits. I always tell my husband that if I'm even in a coma, all he needs to do to get me out is to play some music. A little AC/CD "Back in Black should do the trick!
8. Napping--kids just don't get how great this is. One of my favorite things is napping...probably b/c I never have the chance.
9. Reading--I love getting lost in a good book. For me, the storyline will actually play out in my head like a movie. So it's like a twofur.
10. Orgasms--I may have passed the PG-13 rating Doc likes to keep on this one but it HAS to go on the list. You really don't appreciate how good they are, and what they can do for you, until you don't have any for a while. THAT is the defintion of Simple Pleasure.![](http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ItpL4uWPPnCzxM:http://www.jamesness.com/handstoheavenim.jpg)
Have a Simple Day!
-As American as Apple Pie
I with you on all the above except napping. I've never been able to take one, and I'm way to active to WANT to take one!
Oh, and coffee? I have to have de-caf cause I'm already hyper!
Orgasms, oh yea.
Coffee gives me orgasms.
Oh brother... Here we go. *shakes head*
So that is what Mt. Cat puts in his coffee??
I like the list Apple - all good reminders that even when things seem a bit out of sorts, there is always some pleasure to be had!
I lace my coffee grinds with female pheremones. LOL.
Running is always something that keeps myself grounded. It is my biggest stress reliever besides venting to the husband! Great list!
I'm with you on the whole list except for running and coffee!
Running -- boobs too big, I'll sprain them! Even when I chase the kids I have to hold them down LOL
Coffee -- smells yummy tastes icky, give me my Mt Dew!
Oh, and I think you and I will both be feeling great on Saturday! MUWAHAHAHA!
Mt Cat I hate to be the one to tell you this, but those weren't pheremones!
I want some of Mt Cat's coffee.
great list!! except for the running. I too have leighann's boob issues but worse than that are my thunder thighs. It takes them quite a while to stop jiggling after I come to a full stop - it's so exhausting.
time with animals would be added to my list. my cats, anyone's pet, always makes me feel happier, more at peace. must be the whole unconditional love thing
Dana--Thanks! Sometimes I have to keep reminding myself of that.
Running Wild--Even hubby likes it better when I'm running. He says I'm a more "pleasant" person. Sometimes he even goes so far as to suggest it may be time for a run. That's his way of telling me I'm kind of bitchy.
Leighann--I couldn't run with my big hooters either...that's why I got them shrunk down! Much better now. Shhhhh, don't tell about Sat!! It's just something special between you and I. *wink*
Doc--Is that all you have to say?
Simple pleasure = the complete lack of chaos, In other words everything is in it's proper place and acting right.
Dianne--yes, I love to snuggle with the animals too! I had to stop somewhere though and 10 is such a nice round number.
Doc--Amen to that! But then reality sets in...is there ever a complete lack of chaos?
Leigh-I am with apple pie that they will shrink....give them time. You didn't know that I am the president of the Itty-Bitty club did ya!
I just love you guys!
Oh I won't say a word about Saturday, isn't it fun having a dirty little secret?!
I've had big boobs since the 2nd grade, I'm not holding my breath on them shrinking anytime soon!
I just love you guys!
You're just using us for our big boobs!
I'm sure you've received this on emial once or twice but here it is again:
1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries
3. Live simply
4. Give more
5. Expect less
Oh...and eat dark chocolate peanut M&M's!
Orgasms are the best part of my day, dude. I heart your list.
Yeah so?
Mt. Cat isn't using me for my big boobs - or if he is he isn't getting much use!
I'll be dipped in peanut butter, I can't argue with a single one of them. I might add that a simple pleasure for me is hearing a great laugh :)
Leighann they will wither and knock against your ankles. It's not so bad, some times it tickles.
Oh no! Lu's dipped herself in peanut butter ... who's got the pancakes??
they will wither and knock against your ankles.
This is a disturbing mental image
Christine--I have not seen that...at least not in that form. I love it! Can't do the M&Ms though...I hate PB.
ROTFLMAO @ lu!!!
Aunt Becky--Do you mean to say you have one every day? I'm so jealous!
Leighann--Mine didn't ever shrink either. That's why I had them professionally sucked out. Yes, I love dirty little secrets. That's another Simple Pleasure.
Dana--dipped in anything else & I'd volunteer to BE the pancakes.
Here's one of my favs, along the same lines as Christine is thinking:
risk...more than others think is safe
care...more than others think is wise
dream...more than others think is practical
expect...more than others think is possible
Good words to live by.
Ahh geez, now you've got me on a kick. Here's another I have hanging on my bulletin board:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,
fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
As we let our own light shine, we give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
~ Nelson Mandela
I like the little motivational posters that I create on saturday mornings... thats a simple pleasure
OMG!!! Christine that is SOOOO what I needed to hear. It goes great with another area of my life I've been working on. I am printing that one off!
Doc--you know what I'm talking about, right?
Yeah so?
Don't get snarky with me little fella!
Leighann they will wither and knock against your ankles. It's not so bad, some times it tickles.
Lu you've just scared the shit outta me! Although that whole peanut butter thing might have eased the pain a little!
Dana, I'll bring the pancakes, syrup AND camera!
Apple, peanut M&M's are THE BEST!
I like the little motivational posters that I create on saturday mornings... thats a simple pleasure
You have NO idea :)
By the way, how much longer do we have to wait for new Patrick pictures?!
Doc--you know what I'm talking about, right? - Your dirty little Saturday secret... Yes you told me about it yesterday.
Sister Mountain Cat you are the best!
I like peanut butter, apricot preserves and butter on my 'cakes and sometimes I'll add syrup too. What's another acre added to my landscape.
By the way, how much longer do we have to wait for new Patrick pictures?!
Are you for real? I know you guys say you like them but I never want to put up too many and turn the blog to a mush-fest.... Hell I took 40 or more on Monday to document Daddy Day. I can post some later this week (maybe weekeend)if ya'll want... There are a lot of pictures of that kid.
WOW Christine, powerful stuff. Way to tell it Manny.
OK, enough! Don't y'all know that talking about the "dirty little secrets" you have in front of other people is a fine example of bad manners?? Well ... yeah ... I'm jealous ... but that doesn't make it right ;)~
Of course I'm for real have you ever seen him?! Daddy Day is what I was referring to, I thought for sure today would be the day you'd bust them out!
Doc--you know what I'm talking about, right? - Your dirty little Saturday secret... Yes you told me about it yesterday.
Wait, you surely DIDN'T let the cat out of the bag did you??!!
Dana, it's fantastic!
---nevermind I better not type that and be a party pooper-----
Doc--no, that is not what I'm talking about. AND, that is not what me and Leighann's dirty little secret is either.
Have fun talking y'all! I'm off to lunch. I'll catch up with ya later!
Wait, you surely DIDN'T let the cat out of the bag did you??!!
- I will tell no one...
Yah, what Dana said.
oh, i'm all over that list. wait, was there more on the list than that last one? i forgot the rest when i read that one.
Welcome Katy... I am glad you checked us out... We have a lot of fun over here.
Lu, maybe we should come up with our own "dirty little secret" to talk about so that we can have a little inside conversation and alienate all of the other YJKOBT commentors *wink*
AAAAP: You are indeed fabulous. No shrinking people!
Except maybe the boobs - I got the same running problem! I don't understand why anyone wants them bigger!
Dana maybe if you lather me with juicy sex talk today I'll let you in on the secret a little early!
- I will tell no one...
I think we may be referring to different things ;)
I don't know... I am confused. Too many secrets flying around. ARRRGGHHH I am gonna make this the no secret zone
Dana should we stoop? Kind of like speaking a foriegn language in front of someone when you know damn well you can speak their language.
Hey I can make lather!
Doc start a new blog, YJKOTS (you just keep on telling secrets) No one will know what the hell any one is talking about. ha ha ha
Nah Lu, you know I prefer to take the high road most of the time *gigglesnort*
Follow the yellow brick road and maybe the Wizzard can fill us in. He was just a charlaton though so never mind.
Doc start a new blog, YJKOTS (you just keep on telling secrets) No one will know what the hell any one is talking about. ha ha ha
OMG - This comment is the single funniest thing I have read in a long time... BWAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAAA!!
I really like a good bonfire.
I like a good bonfire and a good bon bon for that matter. My Mom liked a good fire how bout it Mic?
I like that idea Doc! We have plenty o' secrets....OOOH! It is TBATHOM time!!
I could really go for some good coffee and a bonfire, but what I want to burn would be called arson...so I must behave.
Great list agree with them all!
I absolutely LOVE bonfires. In fact, I build a great big fire pit in the backyard of my old house just to accomodate my need for the flame.
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