Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Friday

No time for posting today... I am at work early to get as much done as I can because I'm leaving early. It's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Pt. 1) day and I've already bought my ticket for a 12:20 showing. Then tonight it's AL Brown Wonders playoff football. Win and advance!

OK so here is the picture of my blog that I want to have showing on your blog rolls today:

I hope everyone has a great Friday and an even better weekend. Sorry for such a worthless post but I'm sure you guys didn't want to read anything serious today anyway.



terri said...

What a great way to end your week! Enjoy the movie! I'll be thinking of you as I'm slaving away at my desk today ;-)

Bev said...

Lucky you!! Enjoy your day, and please let us know how you like HP!

Disaster Chick said...

Enjoy Harry Potter. I have not read the final book. I was hoping to purchase the entire collection and reread them. Hmm...why haven't they had this out? Maybe I will see the gift set this Christmas time.

Disaster Chick said...

Doc would be a geek not a nerd. I think he is pretty socially apt.

Hmmm...maybe I need to do a blog post on the differences between - nerds, geeks, dorks, and dweebs...

Doc said...

Please do a post about that Chick... because I have no idea the real difference.

The AbsolutGator said...

You are killing me, dude. A half day for Harry Potter? Really?

The AbsolutGator said...

Are you at least sneaking in booze or going to do a little slap-and-tickle w/ the spouse in the top row while you are there?

Knight said...

*Shaking Head* I just don't get it.

Ken said...

I respect how you treat your place of work....

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Ok, we need you full review.

A lot of hub bub about this installment. I hope it does not disappoint.