Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fired for having big breasts?

Meet Amy Erin Blakely. I have been reading recently about her and her claims that she was fired from her job at a children's charity called The Devereux Foundation for gender discrimination. Get this because her breasts are too big and they were distracting for her co workers.

Oh boy this is a classic on several levels. The first is that her attorney is Gloria Allred. Yep the same "woman's rights" attorney whose previous clients have included porn stars and strippers who shook down Tiger Woods for money during his infidelity episode earlier this year. If you aren't familiar with Gloria let me tell you I am not a fan. She has done some good things like representing Amber Frey the mistress of wife killer Scott Peterson and the Brown family during the OJ case but the shaking down of Tiger Woods whether he deserved it or not was just too much for me. She even represented Debrahlee Lorenzana recently, the woman who claims she was fired from Citibank for being "too sexy." I think Gloria is an opportunist and an ambulance chaser.

OK, back to the breasts. Now just looking at the pictures here of Ms. Blakely I would agree with her being attractive because she is but the case here seems to revolve around her breasts. A few quotes:

"It was very humiliating to know that senior members of our management team would focus on my breasts as opposed to my performance on the job," said Blakely at a Los Angeles press conference Wednesday. " She also alleges that someone in management talked about how large her breasts were and that she needed to 'hide them,'" Allred told the station.

See, they keep playing up the breast thing because it's what sells and what gets the headlights errr I mean headlines. I think they have a "tiny" problem though. Where's the big breasts? I have googled and checked numerous news stories and none of the pictures show Ms. Blakely as having anything other than normal sized breasts?? Trust me, I have looked.

I think this case comes down just as the other recent Gloria Allred cases. She is trying to use the media to drum up pressure for some quick cash and not representing woman's rights. The proof is in the pictures on this one because I think clearly this case would be thrown out of court for "lack of evidence" so to speak.


(see I almost made it through the whole post without a childish boob reference... Almost)


Evil Twin's Wife said...

She seems to be proportioned normally to me... Oh, and I wouldn't let Gloria Allred suck the Evil Twin's dick.

Charlene said...

It's a bit immature to paint a client negatively because of her attorney, but I guess that's fair game?

As to women, even women with C cups, being the object of men's attention, this is not new. What if every time you walked into a room all the women pointedly looked at your crotch? They focused on it with a smile and talked to it instead of your face. I'm not saying there could be no frivolity about the issue here but it's not automatically "ridiculous" that a woman is treated negatively by even executive men in the work place, because they cannot get their minds out of their pants.

I worked in a company that had a very attractive woman working there with a large chest. The men giggled and stared and commented obliquely at every turn. She would hear the comments and blush and t hen they loved that too. That is harassment plain and simple.

It's always funny until it is you.

Deech said...

Doc, I agree with you on several points,one of which is that Gloria Allred is a shark of the worst kind and really gives the legal profession a bad name.

However, if it is true that this company fired this chick for big breasts, then I foresee that this company will be out of business soon. Why? They don't know how to seize a good opportunity when they have one.

Doc said...

ETW - Agreed!

Charlene - I agree if there is real harrasment here then there should be a remedy for it... My issue is the way it's handled mediawise by this "champion" of womens causes Gloria Allred.

Joker - Hey I see your point. The foundation should use the assets it has.

Raquel's World said...

I too used to like Mrs. Allred but lately she does seem like a fame whore/ambulance chaser.

As for the breasts...really? I don't see any significant breastage. I think it's an all to convinient excuse.

Dana said...

[Gloria Allred] is trying to use the media to drum up pressure for some quick cash and not representing woman's rights

Let me first say that I am kind of an anti-feminist. I believe, on some levels, the feminist cause has done more harm than good. This would be a prime example of this.

For example, it irritates the hell out of me that women wear low cut, cleavage attracting clothing and then BITCH that men are looking at their boobs instead of their face. It's not like there is no where to get clothing that is conservative, yet attractive.

I know plenty of women who will gawk and gape (myself included) at a "well endowed" bicyclist wearing skin tight shorts, or a marathon runner wearing compression shorts. We check out the package, just like men do.

Although sexual harassment (for both sexes) is very real and problematic, stories like this just minimize those who have a valid complaint.

Knight said...

If this really happened it should not have been a high profile case like it has become. I don't understand though. That woman is not attractive. People get negative attention for a million things. Being fired for appearance of any kind should be wrong but people are cruel and they will make snarky little comments about whatever they can. It might be your tight clothes or your lack of hair. Maybe your moderatly endowed chest or your pot belly. Your smell. This woman was probably fired because she sucked at her job.

Doc said...

Raquel - We seem to agree...

Dana - Exactly. Handling a case in this manner actually does harm to REAL cases of harrassment IMHO

Knight - I find it hard to believe she was fired for being too good looking also (and the breast thing is laughable)

Disaster Chick said...

From the pictures her suit jacket seems to button normally. Maybe it is tailored.

I'm a large breasted woman, and come by them naturally. I have a hard time finding shirts that fit properly. Buttons often gap, and shirts that are cute on a small chested woman show waaay too much cleavage on me.

I realize that there are women that pay big money to be my size, and I'm not sure they they want to expose what they paid for or where they are shopping. Do they sit/stand differently?

I hate it when people claim stuff that isn't there: rape, domestic abuse, sexual harassment, etc. if it never happened. It takes away from real cases. I don't know if this is the case or not.

I guess I don't notice when people are checking me out. I also have received compliments on my backside.

People usually treat you how you present yourself. If you are a professional people will treat you that way.