Friday, March 5, 2010

Motivational poster of the Week 3/5/10

A day early... I was inspired by 3 Men and a Lady's post:

Enjoy your Weekend.


Anonymous said...

LOL, everyone needs a lightsaber on their Swiss army knife.

The AbsolutGator said...

I still love the tag line in the trailer for the last movie....Sith Happens.

Chandra said...

My kid would love one of those! He's all about Star Wars...then again I would love one of those too! If only....

j said...

I LOVE that!!!!

DILLIGAF said...

I can't recall ever saying this as I don't do abbreviations but...


Barb said...

At least 2 of my 3 boys would love to have this. Unfortunately, the other one is the only one old enough to own a pocket knife. And I just ordered him a $40 Swiss Army knife for his birthday.
Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

That's a good one! I like it! lol

terri said...

I need one of those! ;-)