This week I have been coming in half and hour later but still leaving the same time and I am simply covered up. I never realized how much difference that half an hour makes. (It may also go back to Monday when I got here late because I was waiting for the DirecTV man)
Sadly because I am so busy this has really cut into my time to do other stuff like blogging and Tweeting. I will eventually get caught up reading yoru blogs and get back to normal but it might not be until next week. Sorry no random thoughts today. I don't have time to type them out!
Oh yeah, if you haven't emailed me yet to get an invitation to join the NCAA tournament league that Jay and I are running please see the announcement at the top of the page. Have a Happy Thursday.
My husband was out of town for work one night this week and everything went insane the second he wasn't there. I can't believe we all made it through the three years we were divorced!
I know the feeling. Seems like I fell behind a few weeks ago with blogging and commenting and have been fighting to catch up ever since.
I'm single and childless, however, I do have a Boston Terrorist/Terrier. A former co-worker of my mom's asked me when I was going to provide her a grandchild. My response, "I'd like the husband first." She is like you can do it on your own - I'm doing it. I'm like a kid would make it hard to do some hobbies like SCUBA Diving and sky diving...
Well, right now my dog is handful enough and I can put him in his kennel. Maybe when the clock gets to ticking I would consider doing it on my own, but right now I'm just enjoying my freedom.
I think things are easier when I am on my own... but if I were truly on my own I wouldn't be able to stay home w/them so I'm sure that'd change my outlook.
Did you steal that picture from the picture I sent you of my desk?LOL!
Your post reminds me of my post. I feel buried and overwhelmed. Being a weekday single parent really sucks!!
What ever happened to the Mountain Cat?? Oh wait....never mind.
I heard the Mt. Cat is starting his own blog called Roarings of a Mt. Cat!
I know how you feel..
I know it all the time.. :):):)
A worrying number of parents in the UK are single.
We have thousands and thousands of kids growing up without a father figure (a small minority without a mother figure)
In the nicest possible way old bean.
We are fucked.
How's it over there then?
I feel your pain- the last time my hubs was out of town, i hit a cart corral with my car. Wait, did I just admit that?
I hear ya! I don't know how single parents do it. They're AMAZING. Soooo grateful it's me and my husband. Good luck with catching up!
It hit me just a minute ago - I haven't heard from Doc in a few days! So you were missed :)
Nothing makes a husband miss his wife like taking care of the kid(s). Warm welcome I suppose?
Have a great weekend Doc.
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