Yes in this picture taken yesterday that is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with KISS !! I don't make up the news folks I only report it.....
This photo provided by the State Department shows Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, center, posing the hard rocker group Kiss, Thursday, May 29, 2008, in Stockholm, Sweden. From left are, Tommy Thayer, Paul Stanley, Secretary Rice, Gene Simmons and Eric Singer
Gene is probably thinking: I did her
Paul Stanley has been replaced by a hot tranny mess!!
Oh my gosh this picture is hilarious....
Caption = In an attempt to sharpen the poilicy on Iran condi Rice chose to Rock and Roll all night and party every day.
What's wrong with this picture???
Caption = In a press release today the group KISS (on their 7th farewell tour) attempted to dispell all rumors that they were re-naming the group RICE.
Condi rocks!
That is soooo bizarre...
LOL - This picture may be the best real news picture (non photoshop) that I have seen this year!
Too funny!
Condescending Rice kicks off her own farewell tour.
Whoa, that's a scary gathering right there!
Is she just real small or do these guys have big friggin heads. The little guys not oo bad, but stil...
Doc, oh snap that looks like Julie's cat by the slidding door behind them! Actually it does look like Julie's apartment, doesn't it?
That is so photo-shopped. Otherwise it Does.Not.Compute.
A picture that inspired a thousand jokes...
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