The showdown began with a "Cha-Cha Face-off". All three couples took a turn performing at the same time. The song was a highly energized "Dancing on the Ceiling". Two of the couples were able to convert that energy to dance. Unfortunately Jason was not. He just doesn't move his body and especially his hips as much as he needs to for Latin dances. Cristian did a great job but Kristi totally blew the boys out of the water. She is a total package with style, movement, finesse & energy.

Next up was the freestyle round where ANYTHING goes! The stars really took this to heart with their dances. Kristi was unstoppable with her Mambo/Hip Hop combo. It was totally cool & fun. Tons of moves served up very fast and on the beat. Garnered her a well-deserved perfect score.
Jason kicked it up a notch with his funky freestyle. It was like watching a strip show...they both just kept losing clothes! There was a moment in the beginning where Jason was breakdancing which tickled my funny bone. As always the lifts were awesome with Jason's height and Edyta's body. She is a contortionist!
Cristian finished up the show with a routine that had some impressive one-armed lifts but didn't really measure up to the others in terms of originality. It felt like any other latin dance from the season.

If Kristi doesn't win this thing tomorrow night I will be greatly surprised and disappointed. She is clearly the runaway winner and has been since Day One. So now that the DWTS season is over, what's next? Well, for you die hard fans, I've found out that Wii makes a Dancing with the Stars game! How much fun would that be at a party with your drunken friends! I wish I had known about this before my birthday!!!

Well, I promised you all some pictures from my birthday. The first one is a close up of the front of my dress. If you look closely you can see my butterfly tatoo peeking out. And yes, it was VERY low cut!
This is the back shot. I got a little sunburn on my shoulders at the park that day.

Lastly is my belly button ring that Hubby gave me. The dangly thing is an emerald, my birthstone.
So tell me...Would You Rather...
Have to imbibe all liquids using a thimble?
Get a bucket stuck to your foot and not be able to shake it off?
-As American as Apple Pie
Oh sure ... make me suffer through Dancing with the Stars to get to the good stuff! Love the dress - you look beautiful! You know, that belly-button photo would qualify as an HNT shot *wink*
Thanks Dana! That's probably the only HNT shot you'll ever see on this blog. ;)
That's probably the only HNT shot you'll ever see on this blog.
And that one is close to the line of having to be censored.
Oh please...I think the Candyman pic was worse than that.
Ok just a note to all the folks reading this... Please come back again in like 3 hours for the Peachfest. You may not recognize the place but I hope we will have some fun!
I LOVE your belly button ring. Very cute!
Hmmm, me thinks me would rather suck down mini shots of jack through a thimble!
Doc & Dana--aren't you going to answer the question?
Catscratch--Thanks! I love it too! I'm undecided on the question...need more time to think.
I like the Belly Button Ring! I had one about 10 years ago and I loved it, then I got pregnant and had to take it out and never put another one back in.
Great Pics aaaaPie. The look over the shoulder is classy. Ooh I like those earrings, they are perfect. Good color for you.
I was totally underwhelmed by DWTS last night. I didn't like any of the freestyles and cha-cha off was just - stupid. I agree that if Kristi doesn't win, there is problem with the voters.
Nice bday pics.
Give me that bucket thingy
I like the ChaCha dance off, it really showed how Kristi is in a different category than the rest.
To answer your question: Bucket definitely, drinking with a thimble would drive me to drink out of the bottle. Wait, maybe that is not too bad, okay no bucket, but a thimble (bottle) to drink out of.
I skipped the DWTS stuff - I have it on the TIVO and want to be surprised. Pathetic I know, I know - tough shit, I enjoy it.
You look fabulous in the pics Apple Pie - and I love the ring.
I would do the bucket thing IF - it was a silver bucket and on my left foot. That way I could still drive and match to most of my jewelry.
Wow Apple, I have the same button ring! Cool. LOL.
Tali--never going to be pregnant again! Yes, I know...things sometimes happen. NOT HERE!
Lu--thanks! I like it too...maybe make it my new blog pic. I love those earrings. I like things that dangle.
Karen--did you and I watch the same show?! I loved it! I agree with Robin that is definitely separated them out.
Robin--see above. Thanks for commenting. Come back for Peachfest after noon.
Dianne--I won't ruin it for you. I like your thoughts on the bucket. I think you've swayed my thinking with that.
TMC--we're practically twins!
I'm glad I got to see the pics.
You look fantastic! I always wanted to get my belly done but I'm not brave enough.. lol..
I had my right eyebrow done once, nothing to it. It started to feel a little funky and since I didn't want to risk any infection near my eye, I removed it. It was a blue hoop with silver bead.
Lu I had my nose done for a short while but had to take it out (it was a danger in the work place) at my new job ( at that time)
Apple Pie How long would I have to wear the bucket for and how heay would it be?
Since I don't know these things I will have to go the thimble thingie
You look fantastic in your bday dress! I love your earrings. I don't have the courage for the bellybutton piercing but I think they're lovely.
I'd go with the bucket. It's kind of handy when you think about it, I could carry my snacks in it. Well & then I'd meet my bucket-twin Dianne...
How big is the thimble???
Lesley--glad to oblige. I am a pain wuss too but it really did not hurt. It was freaky weird how it doesn't hurt. Now, if it gets bumped...that's a different story! Go for it!
You have to wear the bucket forever. Not sure how heavy.
Lu--Cool! I would do that but again with the pain thing. I've heard eyebrow and nose hurt waaaaaay more than belly button.
Jo--Thank you! You make a compelling arguement for the bucket. It is much more practical than the thimble...although the clanging could drive one insane. Oh wait...I'm already there!
Dana--not very, standard size.
I think Kristie Yummycoochie is going to win DWTS....
Apple you look great in your birthday dress, when do we get to see your birthday suit??!!
4 minutes until Peachfest!
Oh, and I'd go with the bucket thing. I think it would be uber useful as a purse, a place to piss in a pinch, a vomit bucket when the kids are sick.... ;)
lmfao @ Leighann and "Yummycoochie!"
Awesome pic Apple!! I love that glass and you are one brave chick to show your button to the world, lol!
Leighann--as usual you make great points. And I love the "Yummycoochie" reference!
Miss Merry--Thanks! There are lots of other glasses available, check out the website.
WOW Hot mama, you look so good in your dress!! and got a hot Belly button ring also!!!!! You want to share some of that wine there????
Happy Belated Birthday and thanks for all the fun DWTS re-caps this season! Kristi will win for sure but I would've liked to see one of the guys win, they're both so adorable.
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