Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday Random Thoughts 1/31

Stuff I have been thinking about in the past week:

-I wonder if JK Rowling listens to The Who. Maybe she named the key member of the Quidditch team "The Seeker" after their song of the same name?

-I heard on the radio that Jan 30th was international "delete your Myspace page day". Does myspace even still exist?

-Can you believe that 2 seperate people have clicked on this blog after doing a Google search for the name Dan Pangburn? Faithful readers will remember that person as the one who fired the initial shot in the Global Warming war. There has also been 1 person who clicked on us after searching for the correct way to use the word adroitness in a sentence. No kidding.

-Why is "under par" a good thing but "sub-par" not a good thing?

-I want to say a thank you to the nice manager at BJ's Wholesale club who gave us $100 off on our new TV.

-Ben Franklin plumbing in Charlotte NC uses Tommy Tutone's 867-5309 Jenny in it's radio commercials with a really bad parody singer butchering the lyrics. (ie. Benny Benny won't you do some plumbing for me?)Something tells me that the real Benjamin Franklin would not be happy that his name is being used in this manner.

-Some one told me in the past week that they were taking a "Pre-emptive sick day" They weren't sick but were taking the day off from work so they wouldn't get sick. What the heck ????

-For some reason I was surprised when I found out that Gretta Van Susteren is a Scientologist.

-Big endorsement to Liberty Tax Service. This company was founded by the same guy who originally founded Jackson Hewitt) They really did a good thorough job on our taxes last weekend and didn't cost an arm and a leg. You may recognize them. They always have people out on the street dressed in statue of liberty costumes waving at cars.

-I still think that Boo-Berry is a cool name for a cereal. Even though I would never touch the stuff.

-If you haven't seen the Jerry O'Connell video poking fun at Tom Cruise you need to. My brother in law showed me last weekend and it is hilarious. "It's all about KFC" HA!

-Our black lab Morgan is the biggest mooch in the entire world. This dog eats his food, tries to eat the cat food and our sons food. He tries to eat our food, and tries to lick the dirty plates in the dishwasher, our son's spit up, and if we let him he would eat the cat turds out of the litter box. GOOD GRIEF!! I tell my wife that he is nothing but an 80 pound cockroach with fur.

-I was talking with someone last week who actually thought it was the "raise card" not the "race card" that they talk about being played. I didn't bother trying to explain to this person that they were wrong and that a raise card probably has something to do with poker because it would have been a waste of breath. But I did think to myself, Heck if was the "raise card" I think that I may have to play that one at work...

-I saw and article the other day entitled "Debunking that biggest video game myths" and thought to myself. Who cares?

-Senator Ted Kennedy recently came out and endorsed Barak Obama's run for the Presidency. What wasn't as widely reported was that he actually came out in favor of a full minority ticket and has endorsed Jose Cuervo for Vice President. Think about it....



Jay said...

Ben Franklin is the punctual plumber.

I hear that all the time on radio and tv ads around here.

I want to kill Ben Franklin.

DirkStar said...

Ted Kennedy "came out"?

And he endorsed Obama?

Wow, I always thought he was a little gay...

Doc said...

Jay - Oh my goodness you are forced to hear that too... I thought it was a local outfit. Good grief that is teh worst radio commercial ever.

Dirk - Ummmm dude, the joke is supposed to be the Jose Cuervo part of that line...

Leighann said...

You have just as much odd crap running through your brain that I do. How do you sleep at night? :)

Unknown said...

Jose Cuervo as VP, that would be an interesting term of office....

When JK Rowling invades your mind you need to find help, quick!!!!

As usual quite random.
Sound like the strange things that run through my mind when I want to fall asleep.

The Mountain Cat said...

Obama drove Ted along the Chapaquitic. Ted got the hint and decided to endorse him.

Doc said...

Leighann - I sleep good... and I have read the stuff that runs around in your head... Let's just say I am glad we don't sleep in teh same bed - yours sounds dangerous!!

Penelope - There is nothing wrong with Rowling... Actually I think of that every time I hear the Who's "The Seeker" Classic tune. I love the lyrics: "I asked Bobby Dylan, I asked the Beatles, I asked Timothy Leary but he couldn't help me either...they call me the Seeker...I've been searching low and high" Give that song a listen it's boss.

Mt Cat - Dude none of ya'll are getting the Jose Cuervo thing oh well... I knew I should have left off the minority part. I had originally planned to say that Ted Kennedy was going to endorese Jack Daniels as Vive President, Jim Beam and secretary of State and MD 20/20 for HUD secretary but decided against it...

The Mountain Cat said...

Doesn't Ted Kennedy look like W.C. Fields? And they both had drinking problems.

'Gimme a shot o' whisky my lil' chickadee.'

Leighann said...

You mean to tell me violent tendancies frighten you? :)

Jahooni said...

Boo-Berry also sounds like a Kool-Aid flavor.

Okay, what is wrong with a Pre-Emptive Sick Day?? Wouldn't it be better to miss one day than to miss 3 or 4 days? I am home today because I started feeling a little run down (taking my AirBourne as we speak) Oh wait, I am home because I have to pick my BIL up at LAX. Nevermind. But still I am all for that.

Karen said...

Gretta Van Susteren is a Scientologist. I don't really like her much, butg I always thought she was somewhat logical. Guess I was wrong.

And I know the power of the pre-emptive sick day. It works wonders.

DrillerAA said...

Ya gotta love a dog that doubles as a garbage disposal and trash compactor.

DirkStar said...

Oh, Mexican humor...


Doc said...

Leighann - Um yeah. Didn't you once say something about lighting him on fire? J/K LOL!

Jahooni - EXACTLY - call it what it is... A lazy day ;-)

Karen - She had me fooled too.

drilleraa - Sounds like you have a furry cockroach too.

Dirk - NO NO NO NO!!! It's Ted Kennedy lush humor not Mexican humor!!!!!!!!!

Jahooni said...

I am soooo not being lazy today. I have commented on a crap load of blogs this morning... now that is hard work! ;-)

Anonymous said...

It used to be that you couldn't really "log" in a "sick" day unless you were sick, and you only got so many sick days, and these days could not be rolled over to the next year... But now I can choose to add 2, or 3 of these so called "sick" days to my "vacation" days - or even add on a "personal" day or a "float holiday" to create extended time off. So why don't they just give us a total number of "days off" and stop calling them by all these different names or care if I'm sick or need personal time or am floating a holiday...

Dana said...

MySpace exhists for those 18 and under who claim they are 18 and over.

Pre-emptive sick day = Mental Health Day

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Dana...that's what I call 'em, too. Just a day that I need to take cuz I'm sick of workin'!

Doc said...

Jahooni - Oh so now it's hard work having to read and comment on my blog ??

Christine - my favorite is the "float" day... What the heck? It's like if you work on the fourth of July then you can float it until later... So if you take that day in August will they still shoot off fireworks?

Dana - I am pretty sure the person who told me that could use lots of mental health days...

Leap O - Sick of working... can youget a doctors note for that?

Leighann said...

I've thought about setting him on fire, sure.

I've also thought about disolving him in acid, or shoving a pack of C4 up his ass when he rips a juicy fart in bed and then laughs about it.

Is that wrong?

Doc said...

Nah... It's all good. Just don't lasso me with that golden lasso ;-)

Leighann said...

Don't tell me you're scared of the lasso of truth!! :)

none said...

I'm always surprised when I hear someone is a scientologist. How can anyone be that brainwashed and whacko?

Anonymous said...

That's it, I'm deleting MySpace, I never understood it anyway...