This cat went to a wine tasting last night and had a few too many. Therefore my creative juices have been sucked out my head all day. So I really have nothing to say today otherwise. But if you want to talk about the weather or Britney or the latest mortgage rates, feel free to let your thoughts be known.
- The Mountain Cat
- The Mountain Cat
I hope it all tasted good.
*snickers to himself*
A wine tasting... HA!
A whine tasting?
Oh yes it did. Yes it did.
Wild Turkey is considered wine, no?
Yes, I feel like Father O'Blivion.
Lemme tell you guys about ole Mt. Cat's experience with wine. One year he came to my house for Thanksgiving. Of course my parents had just had the entire house recarpeted with an almost white expensive wall to wall carpeting... He brings a bottle of red wine for my folks. Lancers Blush if I remember correctly... just as we are sitting down to eat he bumps his glass and you guessed it... Lancers blush on the new carpet.. My mom still talks about how bad poor Mt Cat felt. Never worry we got out the stain... But the moral of teh story is that Mt. Cats seem to have a bad time with wine.
Two words: Wasn't me.
Suuuuuuure it wasn't. And I also suppose it wasn't you who I went to the wine isle with at (not your)Harris Teeter where you didn't work and wasn't you who asked me what my parents didn't drink for wine and I said I don't know but they have a bottle of Lancers blush in the fridge. But it couldn't have been you.
While we are at it 'Mister I Have a Memory of an Elephant', let's not forget New Years' night 1996 when a plastered Doc shouts, 'Wow that woman is really drunk. She needs two people to help her to her car!' Only to hear from four of us in stereo; 'Doc they are helping her because she is blind!' Nice going Jerky.
"jerky" *giggle*
oh, boy...we're gettin' all the dirt here today, boys! hee, hee, hee!
"Wine Tasting" is a generic term to me. I use it when I also mean a beer tasting, scotch tasting, tequila tasting etc.
But, I really, REALLY love wine.
As for the weather we made it through round one of the snow and got near 4 inches. Round two comes tonight where we might get another 6. Awesome, huh??
Barack Obama is a big believer in global warming.
I just thought you should know...
I drank at least 5 feedbags full of wine.
So I'm working this telemarketing gig a few years back...
I'm talking to this sweet lady about providing her with an electric scooter...
My phone was wired for training that day and all my bosses and the newbies were listening in...
I was so close to closing the deal but she just kept saying, no.
Finally, I told her to give me her best reason for saying no and I'd show her how we could overcome it.
"Son, as much fun as talking to you has been today I just don't think riding around on an electric scooter would be very safe for an old blind lady."
Without missing a beat I replied, "Why shucks honey, I'll just make sure they put a horn on it for you."
As the collective gasp of horror rang out from training area the blind woman began laughing and laughing.
She asked to speak to my supervisor and told him to give me a raise.
Don't you worry, Doc. Blind people have a sense of humor too...
Thats probably why you get so many of them visiting your blog.
(Sorry, I just couldn't resist the cheap shot.)
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat.
At least get my quote right Mt. Cat....
Never could enjoy wine.
I remember a party at a friends house when the parents were away, [you can picture the scene] my buddy and I had a bad plan with a couple of bottles of "Ripple". Lets sit in front of the fireplace [no fire]with the two bottles of "Ripple" and two shot glasses and we'll just do it all by taking shots!
We ignored the rest of the party and did what we set out to do, can you picture the scene?
I've never enjoyed a glass of wine since.
Truth from the gut!
Just don't mix the grape and the grain. Not good.
Doc, Ok smart-ass, what was the exact quote?
"Looks like SOMEBODY had a little too much to drink tonight"
Most embarrased I have ever been.
Hillary so totally smoked Obama's butt in the debate tonight...
It was so kewl.
Oh My I so wish I was there! I LOVE WINE!!!! They would have prolly shut it down, I would have drank it all!
Hope you get your juices back!
Still Single.
So, John McCain was just on Jay Leno, and he believes global warming is real...
Yeah, he believes...
That fact alone would probably qualify him as the best candidate to be commander in chief.
Put that in your turkey fryer and smoke it.
And how did I MISS THIS????
You both sound like two chickies... do you care?
Bark Bark Bark... has turned into MEOW MEOW MEOW... *** scatching nails on wood***
or in "your" case.. bauck bauck bauck (is that what chickens do?)
I love whine *hiccup* I mean beer *hiccup* I mean wine.... ;-p
Was that a cry for sympathy I read??
*Wonders if Mt. Cat is hung over again today*
Kitty fine 2day.
Kitty no spike milk.
Kitty drink l8r.
I'm taking the honky to a wine tasting called "Better than Sex" for Valentine's Day.
I'll let him prove the opposite. :)
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