That picture was taken of him during the NY Governor's debate the other night and I think it's awesome that this guy is running. Here check out his website! Jimmy (aka Papa Smurf) has one agenda and one agenda only as a candidate. FIX THE DAMN RENT PROBLEM IN NY! (he feels that it is 2 high apparently)
The other night during the debate with other candidates like Andrew Cuomo, Carl Paladino, and Former Eliot Spitzer Madam Kristin Davis Jimmy stole the show. He dominated the conversation with his bold no nonsense style. Kind of a cross between a Pentecostal Preacher and Mr. T. where he kinds of shouts down other candidates and sticks to his singular message of bringing down the rent. When asked any question about what any problem is with NY his response is the same, "You know why that's a problem? Because the rent is too damn high!"
Here is Jimmy campaigning and apparently he is serious since he has run for Mayor before. My favorite quote from him is his explanation of why he wore black gloves on stage for the debate: "The chemicals of agent orange - dioxin and a lot of other chemicals mixed up - I would get sick. I know I'm not going to be able to breathe if I take them off. It could be psychological, I don't know, but I just put 'em on and wear them anyway."
Jimmy is picking up waves of support from all over in his bid for Governor. A stalwart of American political arena the American Mustache Institute recently endorsed his candidacy. About the only thing cooler that that would be an endorsement from the head of the Holy Order of Bagwine himself!
I wish that I could vote for Jimmy in the Governor's race but alas I'm not a citizen of NY. Of course most of my wife's family is. I think I must start lobbying them to vote for him... I am firmly in the "Rent is 2 Damn High" camp. (as long as he stops his racist blaming of Jews for the high rent) Anyone know where can I get a sign?
How could I NOT endorse him because even though I live in Ohio our rent is TOO DAMN HIGH as well. Cheers Doc!!
I love this guy too because THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH! And so is everything else by the way.
I definitely think my rent is too damn high. So maybe he needs to take his movement beyond NY. And, with the options we have on voting day here in WV, he just might have a shot.
Wow. I didn't even know about this guy. I'm betting his rent isn't even a third of mine so if HIS is too damn high, maybe I should use a stronger word. I'm going to campaign next year. My message will be, "The rent is too f*%$&*$ high and there are too many rabid pigeons in NY!"
HAHA! Hey Knight, I think your campaign slogan is for the birds... LOL
here n memphis, we had a candidate for Mayor last year who MUMUST be Jimmy's relative...his name? Robert "Prince Mongo" Hodges
Tell me I am wrong...
This guy looks awesome!
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