Thursday, October 7, 2010

In case you get suspicious mail....

Use this handy checklist:

Just doing my best to try and keep you all safe....


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you posted this. Now I know how NOT send something like that! LOL

Just kidding people!!!!!

Charlene said...

Back when this was originally posted on the post office wall, I tried to send a box of Christmas Cookies and a cook book to a friend from my office via my mail carrier. He wouldn't take it because it weighed more than 13 ounces and had stamps on it!

Anonymous said...

Looks like most of the correspondence that I receive from my bank.

Have a nice day, Boonie

Pearl said...

Finally! Guidance!!



FanStacia said...

I'm usually so excited to get something that isn't a bill, I won't care if it blows up in my face.

Disaster Chick said...

Guidance has been out there for a long time. I've had to deal with a white powder incident. I have a brochure that tells you what to do.

Yes. I'm a geek.