Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sometimes it's just destiny...

I read this article about a guy who was arrested for indecent exposure here in my local area the other day and just had to laugh. Here give it a read:
ROCK HILL A North Carolina man faces indecent exposure charges after police say he was found without pants on taking pictures of himself Monday afternoon in the
parking lot of Sears at the Galleria Mall in Rock Hill.
The 47-year-old man, who lives on Naked Creek Road in Conover, N.C., was charged with indecent exposure after a man riding his bike to Walmart on Dave Lyle Boulevard alerted police, according to a Rock Hill police report.When police arrived, the man wasn't wearing anything on the lower half of his body, the report states. When officers asked why he wasn't wearing pants, he responded "I was trying to get a tan," the report states.
It seems that sometimes life is just full of ironic destiny isn't it? A man arrested for indecent exposure lives on Naked Creek Road. I had a little chuckle and I hope you do too.
Is there anything that can make this story even better? Of course there is... The reporter's name who wrote up the story? Kimberly Dick.


Dana said...

Ha! He was probably taking an HNT photo!

Candice said...

I wish more men would work on their tan here in Dallas.

Jay said...

Well he probably just thought it was okay to be naked on Naked Creek.

And Kimberly Dick should change her first name to Anita.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this was pretty funny. I wonder if they all can keep straight faces when they re-hash this one in court?

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

You made that last part up...didn't you?