Date - 12/24/10
Charlotte Bobcats Wins - 9
Total Miles Walked - 40.0
+/- Miles + 13.0
(Goal is to walk 3 miles for each Bobcats regular season win and 5 miles for each win in the playoffs)
I "whomped" a chick named Willow some years ago. Cheers Doc!!
I need to re-read them too. I loved them all the first time around!
I actually was thinking of re-reading them this summer. you know since in 4 days I'll be done with work :)
I just started re-reading with my son - we are up to the Goblet of Fire :)
Right now I'm making my way though War and Peace. Slightly less than 1,100 pages left!
I love the Harry Potter series.
I so love Harry Potter. The books and the movies. In fact, if I'm stressed or upset or sick or pretty much anything else, I just stick the movies in the DVD player and I'll be good in no time.
I read the books before they were popular (I think I was on 4 before it became a fad). One year I was Harry for Halloween and no one knew who I was. Guesses were a choir singer and judge judy! the next year EVERYONE was Harry and I was pissed. My costume was still better tho. I even had the yellow and maroon rugby...
bunch of losers...
Love the Potter series...really need to re read them...
My kiddo is on her third read of the entire series. I'm a Harry Potter rookie... I've only read them once.
Picture this, OK? Brand new house... wanting everything to look JUST SO... Diva Daughter has a GINORMOUS movie theater sized poster from the last Harry Potter movie ("Once again Harry, I must ask too much of you.") that she wants to hang in her room. So how do I decorate around that? Floating candles from the ceiling and Griffindor (sp?) colors? Spell books and cauldrons? ACK! Seriously, the girly-girl look just went out the window (and into a flying car).
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