Ever since our internet was out when we got home from NY on Monday I have had twitter problems. All I did was go in to remove the image I was using and switch to another and now nothing works. This morning I tried to delete and reenter my phone and now it will not send updates or twitter commands and now I cannot even receive them... ARRRRGH THE AGONY!
Twitter FAIL !!
All b/c you changed your picture?
You poor thing, not having any tweets. I hope you get the issue fixed before you go crazy, lol.
I heard it shut down because of over use!!!!
Hey I had this issue too but thoroughly enjoyed the whale being carried by the birds pic...what does that symbolize?
Twitter withdrawl. You know what's worse...FB withdrawl. I am an addict.
Technology is a wonderful thing....when it works!
I do feel for you. I would go ballistic if I could not have my twitter.
There is always Skype! :-)
Maybe try a different app? Delete and reload the whole thing? Uhh maybe .. nope, that's all I've got. ;-)
This happened to me once, I accidently turned off tweets to be sent to my phone. If you need someone to look it over, I wouldn't mind :)
UGH It is technology screw with you week today I awoke to find that it appears someone tried to hack my facebook and my emails were not going to my blackberry
i got them both fixed, but hell...
It's painful being disconnected when you're so used to being connected 24/7. Hope you get it figured out.
I wondered where you were! We usually hear something from you even when you are busy at work!
Glad to know all is ok!!
Good luck with getting it fixed.. However, you could enjoy the quiet for a bit..
Oh, and yes.. I still owe you!! :)
Heaven help us when you get the blackberry and twitter fails. It will be the scream heard 'round the world!
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