-Yay, Jimmy Buffett is back on tour this year. Under the Big Top Tour 2010 kicked off last Saturday in Tampa. Check it out I bet he is coming to a town near you.
-May is my favorite month of the whole year and there are lots of reasons why. The weather is getting nice and warm. Baseball season is just heating up. The Charlotte NC area has so many things going on including PGA golf tournament, the NASCAR races for two weeks and all kinds of festivals and other things to do. I can't wait for May to get here.
-Last weekend I was at a child's soccer game and couldn't help but notice the names of all the kids. I kid you not on the same team there was a Kayden, Aiden, and Jaden. Also a Jada, a Kenton, and a Colton. Nothing against these names but it seems like all kids are being named things like this these days. Doesn't anyone name their child Bill, Fred, or Tim anymore?
-Why is it that I have heard the song "I don't know why" by Nora Jones about 10 times in the past week? It's a great song and it's older but for some reason it's been on the radio repeatedly recently.
-I was wondering the other day what the song of the summer will be this year? Last summer it was probably the Black Eyed Peas "I've got a feeling" or The Michel Franti and Spearhead song "Say Hey." Two summers ago it was Kid Rock "All Summer Long." I wonder what it will be this year. Probably something I haven't even heard yet.
-At our house we were able to go the entire month of April without using either the heat or the air conditioning. This is really nice and actually quite a feat considering where I live in North Carolina we generally have to turn the air conditioning on by now. Our electric and gas bills will certainly be better this month.
-Ok one last thing. I am going to start posting a weekly Odd sign of the week from a new website I have found. Oddly Specific Signs. So here we go with this weeks actual sign. I hope you enjoy:
Until next week...
I like May as well. Memorial Day Weekend is a fave time of year for me. And the names? I agree. WTF? If I ever have another boy, I am gonna name him, Sue. Cheers Doc!!
Names are getting more unusual. I don't really see it as a bad thing though, just a change in taste. Of course this comes from a woman with a daughter named Serena.
And that sign is awesome.
There is a lady I know though work that had commented on a new niece she has and she cannot spell or pronounce her name. WTF? What do you think the kids at school are going to do to her?
Chelsea Handler was on Jay Leno's show last night talking about names at a book signing. She was signing a book for a lady's daughter and started with "Bailey" and the lady was like you're spelling it wrong it's "Baileigh" and Chelsa's like no your spelled it wrong.
Kinda shocked by the sign. I'm used to seeing similar signs around Topeka thanks to Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church. Although their signs say "God Hates..." what seems to be pretty much everything.
That just gets me thinking about the questions a kid is going to ask...
Well, it's nice to see the hooker & customer are using protection, LOL. And the term hooking just cracks me up.
I hate trendy names. I had a friend who named her 3 kids trendy names (very trendy) and really, seriously thought she was being unique. Hahaha.
You know I had so much feedback for you then I saw the sign and it all went out the window. HIlarious!
I moved here to SATX about 6 years ago. I thought my kids were gonna go to school with Pablo, Maria and Consuela.
Well, needless to say that all those names listed are my kids friends and lets not forget Trent and Devon shall we?
Yeah, I like that site too. I am partial to the DeMotivational poster section myself.
I thought you all might get a kick out of that sign... LOL
Bet you never heard the name Quay before!
I love Norah Jones, but her better stuff is not played on the radio.
BTW....great sales pitch for Jimmy!
Dear 107.9 the LINK,
I have heard The Black eyed Peas song, the Micael Franti song and JUST NOW the Kid rock Song on the radio today... I know 107.9 the LINK sure enough wants summer to get here... NOW let me know the song for THIS summer not last 2 summers.
And don't forget that one of Tiger's mistresses is going to headline one of the strip clubs in Charlotte too. Just another fun thing going on there. ;-)
Got through March without turning it on and a good part of April here in memphis/
The problem with a lot of the kids' names these days is that unless you see the kid, you can't be sure if it's a girl or a boy!
My furnace kicked in yesterday morning, but pretty soon we should hit a stretch when we don't need it and don't need the A/C yet either.
I have friends who named their new baby boy Jim. Refreshing. My children have unusual, but not "made up" names. They are just old fashioned names you don't hear much these days.
There is a Jade (boy), two Jaydens (one boy/one girl) and a Hagan (boy)..
On the upside, there is a Sara, Olivia and Joseph..
We won't discuss DD's name.. :):):)
My last name always has to be spelled, so I gave my kids names that are very common if you're British or over 40. Everybody likes them, knows how to spell them, and pronounces them right.
When I was expecting my son, invented names were getting super popular, and I realized that a huge number of them were the same formula: Consonant sound/combination, vowel sound, consonant sound/combination, "-n." Spelling varies hugely. For example: Braden, Brayden, Braiden, Jalen, Talyn, Kailen, Shaelynn, Jacen, Kaycen, etcetryn.
At one point, the extended sleep deprivation of dealing with pregnancy and a toddler got to me, and I realized that if I had a daughter nicknamed "Frogbaby", maybe I should have a son with a toad-ish sort of name, so we'd have Frog and Toad. In between fits of giggles, I decided on Toaden if it was a boy, and if it was a girl, no problem - Toadyn!
Eight years later, I am sorry to say that the nickname stuck, although I am careful never to use it outside the family. Somebody might think it's actually his name.
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