Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Odd Street Signs

I figured I would share some funny or odd street signs I have seen come across recently. Enjoy!



Anonymous said...

I hate when I drive into an "airplane might fall on your car" zone.

Unknown said...

I think that may have to deal with take off. You should never combine the runway with a road.

I'm wondering where the mutant car eating cows are located.

Karen said...

Great signs. I have seen "Children left unattended will be sold to gypsies" in a hospital waiting area. The circus seems more benevolent.

Schmoop said...

One sign I know that you'd like to see often is:

Chik-Fil-A...1/4 Mile Ahead

My kid would too. Cheers Doc!!


I thought the first one meant "Be aware of car tipping. The cows are getting revenge." Also, the airplane appears to be peeing on the car.

Candice said...

That pedophile sign could be beneficial.

Christine said...

I thought the sign with the immigrant parent dragging a child across a highway running was a spoof until I was traveling in southern CA and actually saw it. Some of these signs are hysterical and just may be real.

Christine said...

Figured I should link it in case someone has not seen it.

DILLIGAF said...

Car eating cows eh? Only in America!!!