-My favorite is this little news item about the Anheuser-Busch company suing small company called Baby Beer Bottles for making exactly that. Beer bottles for babies. While I find this humorous I guess the Anheuser-Busch folks didn't like them selling a bottle called "Bunwiper" HA!
-Did you hear about this? One of Michael Jackson's nephews apparently bought a taser online and was chasing Blanket around with it. I can't make this stuff up you guys!
-By now I am sure you heard about one of the worst ideas for take your children to work day. Yep the Air traffic control tower at JFK airport is not the best place for kids. If you haven't heard about it give the article a read. An air traffic controller at JFK had his son on the headset giving clearance to taxi and takeoff to planes.
-Here is an article I found oddly creepy. It's about a convicted serial killer who actually was the winner on the 70's game show The Dating Game. Ummm bachelor # 1 do you like rape and murder?
-I know what Snooki has been doing in her spare time. Knitting!
-Be careful if you tell someone in a movie theater to stop talking on their cell phone. You might get stabbed in the neck with a meat thermometer. I still can't figure out why someone would have a meat thermometer in a movie theater unless it was to check exactly how freaking cold they had the AC turned down there. I have heard someone say "That theater felt like a meat locker" before.
Until next time Keep reading the news!
Hmm... a meat thermometer would make a great stabbing tool, really. Easier to hold onto on the end. Not that I'd do that, lol.
Poor Blanket. First his dad was MJ, second his name is Blanket, and third he gets chased w/tasers.
3 Men and a Lady... nice Blanket comment. No wonder everyone has a crush on you! LOL
Maybe the kid in air traffic control had one of the Baby Beer Bottles. Well, more than likely, if anyone was consuming, it was the parent cause that's the only way that could sound like a good idea.
I think Snooki and I have something in common. Not to mention my daughter wanted to do my make-up for my Valentine date and boy did she SNOOKI me.
I don't really see anything wrong with the kid talking to the planes. The pilot of each plane knew ahead of time. The dad is right there in case of emergency - he can be heard on the tape. The kid didn't direct any plane in the sky.
Come on people - do we support take your kid to work day or not?
Karen beat me to it, but I didn't see anything wrong w/ the kid in the tower either. Knowing the aviation community better than most, it is filled w/ stories of 'passing the torch' to from parent to kid.
Now, the father that let his kid press buttons on an airliner and caused it to crash when the auto-pilot was turned off, that was idiocy.
BTW, I haven't seen the show, but I have seen Snooki. Dude, I'd have only nailed her in college as a slumpbuster.
Just had someone from Anheuser-Busch visit the blog! Welcome beer people... you are invited to hng out here anytime!
Great news finds this week! Bravo! :-)
THis world we live in is CRAAAAAZY! That's all I have to say. Thanks for reminding me. :-)
If someone talks on their mobile in a cinema during a movie they are clearly thick and ignorant and incapable of consideration so, you have to be prepared!
Only happened to me once. This kid in front of me and my daughter. Asked him politely to stop, he said "Fuck off dude" (Me????? Dude?????) so I just whacked the top of his head with my elbow and he slept like a baby. The daughter loved it.
Must admit I've no idea whether he was ok. Don't care either..;-)
hee hee meat thermometer :P
I really don't know why you say to "Keep reading the news!"... I honestly don't need to now that I've read your post. ;-)
The Dating Game story reminds me of another creepy fact: Charles Manson auditioned for the Monkees. Can you imagine what that show would have been like? Daydream Believer meets Helter Skelter anyone?
I just wonder how FAR she had to go to find the meat thermometer...
I don't watch the news. It depresses me. I just come here to get a synopsis of all the good stuff :-)
Nutella is a hazelnut peanut butter. If you watch Giadia de Laurentiis' Every Day Italian on the Food Network you would discover she is crazy about the the stuff. I'm not a big hazelnut person, so I haven't tried it.
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