Well I have found one and need to point it out to you. It involves the NRA. Let me give you a bit of background. On point I don't have any issues with the ability to own a gun for hunting or protection of ones home or collecting as a hobby. I don't think that guns should be banned or that normal law abiding citizens access to them should be impeded. However I am not of the opinion that a 13 year old kid ought to be able to walk into the corner store and buy an Uzi or Mac-10 or that criminals should have the same gun rights as citizens. I do believe that guns were created to kill things including people and think it's disingenuous to say that guns were created for any reason other than to kill.
This post however is not necessarily about gun control it's more about gun safety. I read this article this morning and had to bring it your attention. "NRA gun instructor accidentally shoots Orlando student" reads the title. Well it seems that the NRA was training folks in the Orlando area how to be safer and keep from getting hurt with guns but their own instructor broke the rules and brought live ammunition into class. Don't you feel safer now?
In honor of this I figured I would post this modified NRA Gun Safety Tips poster for all to enjoy:

Be careful ya'll it's dangerous out there. Me personally I usually follow Jimmy Buffett's rule about guns: "I got a big suspicion about ammunition, I never forget to duck."
Praise God and Pass the Ammunition!!
Ha...I love irony. I mean its funny enough that an NRA instructor shot a guy but to do it in a church? That's classic.
Why did the church want it held there. Were they preparing the class to shoot inside a church in order to get rid of all of the abortion doctors in the world, like the nutjob in Kansas did to George Tiller? Oy Vay!!
Cheers Doc!!
Quote from the church spokesperson:
"We won't be having anything like that in our church in the future,"
HAHAHAHAAAAAA! I guess they don't want to be known as the "NRA church that shoots people." Doesn't have a nice ring to it.
I grew up in a very gun friendly home. My dad is a hunter and on a competitive pistol team. We had a gun safe in the basement. We were very big on gun safety - but I am sure that you might remember the incident where my dad shot my mom. I might have to repost that blog post at some point.
Accidents happen and safety should always be number one.
I personally don't want them in our house, but I think people should have the right to own them. I don't think that certain kinds of guns need to be sold, though.
All I can say about the instructor is...dumbass! The DEA incident at the end of the article was pretty bad; I've got that on video and you can find it on youtube.
Like Karen, there were firearms in the house for as long as I can remember. I presently have one (that the government knows about anyway) that is always loaded, but locked up. I believe if you want a firearm of any kind, you have the right to it. Do I think someone needs an Uzi for home protection? Of course not. Do I think there should be stricter rules on illegal firearms and criminals possessing them? Most definitely.
Mark this down in BOLD Today March 3, 2010 Doc and Absolut agreed on something semi-poitical... (might be awhile before it happens again)
Doc, its March Second, as in the Second Amendment.
Flip side to what I said earlier. No, people don't need an automatic rifle for home protection. However, they sure are a hell of a lot of fun to shoot. I'd like to try out a fully automatic shotgun; tear the crap out of some targets!
Yeah people in Orlando need guns to protect themselves from those wayward Mickey Mouse and Goofy street gangs. They're worse than the Bloods and Crips!
In fact, some Orlando steet gangs sing this mantra:
I support gun rights too. But, there are some really stupid people out there who I would never trust with a gun.
Oh and rule #6 made me LOL. ;-)
Sorry Absolut... It's the 2nd. Sorry I always have to work a day ahead at work... but that is too hard to explain.
and Jay.. You gotta love a Good Blazin' Saddles reference.
DEA Incident: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeGD7r6s-zU
Is that the one where the guys shoots himself in the leg demonstrating good safety in front of a class?
And Mt. Cat - Seeing as we lived 2 blocks from the most vile gang ever you would know about gangs.
Doc, Yup, the Hidden Valley Kings. Check out this video:
7 Hidden Valley Kings members sentenced: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlmSBslND4s
Doc...it is. I just showed it to a guy here that I work with that teaches concealed weapon permit classes on the weekends. He laughed his ass off. The second best part is when he wants to show another gun after being wounded.
Do all people have sense enough to own weaponry? Not in the least..
However, I look at groups like Handgun Control, Inc (aka Brady Campaign) and other groups who want a 13 y/o's to buy Uzi's over the counter (FYI-not the NRA) as yin and yang.. Gotta have one to balance out the other.. :):)
Absolut - HA - I saw that a few years ago. (might have been you who sent it to me)
There are times when American humor just blows me away!!!
er...I'll rephrase that if I may...;-)
...and we have our fist visitor from the NRA website...
*Waves Hello*
Please feel free to leave your comments Mr. NRA.
I like having a semi-automatic fully loaded rifle at the ready not locked up. No children here.
I grew up with guns and when I handle them now, they still keep me on a certain edge, an edge of danger and that's a good thing.
I don't own a gun, and let me just say that it's probably a good thing. I run into someone daily that I wouldn't mind shooting in the ass at the very least.
Mmm I like guns. I think those guns safety tips are a hoot :) It's a shame we could devise a stupid test and not give guns to those that fail the test.
Signed Lu'
At first, I read "unholstering" as upholstering. I thought "Who the heck puts fabric on their gun?" I re-read it and had a good laugh at myself.
*And the obvious answer to my question was "Martha Stewart."
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