Years ago we all chuckled when Wilt Chamberlin claimed to have slept with over 20,000 women in his auto biography. Well after that magic number was put up there you knew it was only a matter of time until someone would come out with an equally absurd number. That time has come. May I introduce you to the next biggest male-ho ever Warren Beatty. Yes it seems that a soon to be released biography claims that Ole Dick Tracy himself has had sex with 12,775 women. To make it even more grand that number, "does not include daytime quickies, drive-bys, casual gropings, stolen kisses and so on." (BTW - what is a sexual drive-by - Never mind I don't wanna know.) HA!
OK boys and girls lets all get our calculators out. Warren Beatty is 72 years old. So lets figure this. He claims to have lost his virginity at age 20 If he started at then it would give him 52 good years of doing it. This amounts to 245 different women per year (every year) for 56 years. Holy Moly this man gets around!
I'm also sure this comes as a little bit of shock to Annette Bening who he has been married to for 18 years. I think that what happened is this; Ole Warren knows that Tiger Woods was going to make a run at Wilt Chamberlin's record so he wanted to go ahead and stake his claim on second place ahead of time.
Your Thoughts?
I think Annette Benning is probably less shocked than anyone else. He's always been a notorious playboy so I only find it shocking that he got it down to a definite number. No vague "over 20,000" for him, he at least appears to have either kept track or remembered them all. Now THAT is impressive.
I heard this story on the radio this morning, but it was noted that the book is a biography, not an autobiagraphy and it was written by a former employee. There were some nasty accusations tossed in, specifically that Warren wasn't exactly particular about his conquests and wasn't above having one night stands with overweight, ugly, or pimply-faced women. Sounds to me like someone is having trouble swallowing their bitter pill and is just trying to make Warren look bad. Too bad the American public can't be swayed so easily when it comes to one of their favorite celebs!
How appropriate your use of 'swallowing' is for this subject.
What I want to know is where the Hell do they find time for it? Let's just say the average couple has sex 4 times a week...if your lucky! That is still only about 192 times a year ....I don't know how they did it. They must get a lot of alone time!:)
Wilt is no longer with us... So Warren can still make it to 20,000 if he tries real hard
I'm pretty much going to call shenanigans on that 13,000 women thing. Although I guess it's possible. There have been stories about his having escorts sent to his home or hotel on almost a daily basis for years. But still, I'm going to be a doubter on this.
And now 'hard'....y'all are killing me!
Yes, he would have to be hard to accomplish that and I am sure a lot to swallow.
I slept with him too.
he does have really good skin so who knows
I'm with terri
the book is not authorized and I read it was not researched much either
just a lot of gossip
He probably IS a total whore, BUT I doubt it was that many. He is probably just trying to look like he's a stud. And if it IS true it's just plain gross. If it's even HALF true it's gross, too.
He is a notorious He-Ho, but he would have had to document each one (IF it is true), cause no one could remember all of that!
I think he's "padding" the little black book. I mean seriously, 13,000 women?
That's just nasty.
Happy New Year Doc and Mt Cat.
I'm also gonna have to call bullshit on this one, too. I mean, I'm not saying it's out of the realm of possibility because, let's face it, you shoot a movie and you're busy maybe four or five months, and then you're clear ... so that's roughly seven months of uninterrupted time to do, well, chicks. Or dudes. We don't discriminate.
But as I was telling FCF (favorite chat friend, you may know her as Paige! LOL) most dudes I know have no desire, or ability, to keep track like that. I mean, unless you're keeping detailed records. I live with a guy who was pretty sketchy in his own right and I'm sure if I went in there and asked, he'd say something like, "How the hell am I supposed to know?"
Good food for thought, though. And you're right, there's time to catch Wilt. Haul ass, Warren.
I think he is counting by association, he slept with Madonna so that counts for what 1000 something lol
My personal opinion... HOOKERS! (meaning Who cares via "the Russian")
Like we care how many women you banged Warren? Are you that lame that you actually have to count?
Hell he probably went to a few orgies and counted those other people in the room ha-ha
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