Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Don't Forget to Vote Today !!!

Don't Forget to vote today... Here is the campaign sign in our front yard:

Right now at 6:30 am I am in line to vote...



I got my sticker!!


Doc said...

I was the first at the polls this morning but ended up being the 4th to vote due to a few people getting out of their cars before me and jumping in line... No big deal. My wife was 80 somethignth in line but only waited about 15 minutes to vote....

Does anyone else have any voting stories from today?

Lu' said...

Been there done that while wearing the red, the white and the blue!
God Bless America!

Disaster Chick said...

Starbucks is giving away free coffee today to those that tell them they voted. I'm going at lunch time.

The Mountain Cat said...

I was third in line and I was done by 6:07. But I didn't get a sticker!! So, I'll be watching FoxNews all day for updated on the results. ;-)

Unknown said...

Yes, I did indeed vote. And I am very excited. My number was 17.

God Bless America.

Unknown said...

Hey, I didn't get a sticker either. I'm going back...

Unknown said...

I don't know about there here, but with that sticker you can get free Chic'fil'a, free stuff at Star Bucks, free donuts and all kinds of stuff!

Yea for you! You got it going on early!

The Mountain Cat said...

I watched The Daily Show last night and Barrack Obama told John Stewart he doesn't know who he will vote for because of the Bradley Effect. ROTFL!

Karen said...

I voted and no sticker either. Blah.

I did see Obama vote this morning on the news. He took nearly 20 minutes for what took his wife and everyone else in line 2 minutes. I thought maybe he really undecided too.

Turns out he was reading all the referendums to his daughters so they would understand. Yeah, one last political photo op.