As you should all know by now, Heather Mills was awarded, in her opinion, a measly $48.7 million in her divorce settlement with Sir Paul McCartney. But now she is…*ahem*…hopping mad and wants to enact revenge on Sir Paul, his lawyer and the judge of their case.
The story goes on to say that "She's full of hate and vitriol and feels nothing but spite towards everyone on the other side. She vowed,' They're all going to regret what they did to me. I have tapes of Paul crying (over the death of first wife Linda McCartney), and they prove what a drug addict and alcoholic he was. I WILL make them public.'" (Click here for the full story).
In my humble opinion, it is a shame that she has...*double ahem*...pegged Sir Paul with such animosity when $48.7 million is well more money than any of us can ever dream of seeing.
Now folks I want you to think of a funny and creative way to complete the following quote from Heather Mills: "I know I'm a target now and I'm in danger but I don't care. I'll go after Paul again if I have to. I should have had more money and it's because Paul hid it from the court that I got so little. I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear______________."
The comment with the most creativity wins a very special award from me....ready???.....Go!
- The Mountain Cat
Ill be going to America where Americans are ready to hear that Sir Paul left his daughter and wife with barely three legs to stand on.And that his newest single to be released is a copilation of his 2 old hits "With alittle Luck"she"ll have to "listen to what the Man Said"
I think they should just "Let It Be" Because "Baby Was She Amazed" at this ruling!!!
Ill be going to America where Americans are ready to hear me bitch, me bitch, me bitch, me bitch, me bitch, me bitch, me bitch, me bitch, me bitch, me bitch, me bitch............
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear how I am destined to become a trainwreck, fueled by various narcotics and an obscene amount of alcohol.
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear me ripped to shreds in the tabloids.
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear me beg for forgivness as they shun me at every turn as I am a lousy gold digging bitch.
Apple, are you posting a DWTS update later today?
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to see me hook up with Randy Jackson, pose nude for Hustler, answer truthfully on that new game show, find the ammunity idol, dance with stars, ...oh, did that one... write a book, try and write another one, cry on Larry King, oh, did that one too...
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear:
my sob story. Those stupid Americans will listen to anything that is said with a British accent.
I'll be going to America where Americans are ready to hear Gloria Allred, "feerless advocate for justice and equality" laugh her way to the bank!
"I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear, I buried Paul."
"I know I'm a target now and I'm in danger but I don't care. I'll go after Paul again if I have to. I should have had more money and it's because Paul hid it from the court that I got so little. I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear me spill... OWWWWWWWW my leg!!!"
**a masked man runs in - probably Jeff Gillooly- and smacks her on the 'good leg' leaving poor Miss Heather without a leg to stand on.**
Was that too harsh?
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear the distinct shhwuck! sound my artificial leg makes in the next blockbuster movie as I get a job as a sound effects technician!
ready to hear...the incessant whining and psycho-babble rantings of a perennial victim...
Wow we've got some real funny responses!
"I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear that I have prayed to God and I have attached my faith to his wings. So with a little luck, I can jet back home and say hi, hi, hi to my fans in England after I let 'em into my heart. So I'll listen to what the man said, my loving God, and I will have no more lonely nights. Then with all my money I've won I can buy Junior's farm with my Uncle Albert and say say say goodnight tonight."
"I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear the cry of the banshee. I will bury them all."
use your own metaphors!!!!!
Vin that was me anonymous
i hit the wrong button
we are just too witty for ourselves
I couldn't believe it when I saw that Heather dumped a cup of water over the opposing attorney's head. How immature!
She should have been arrested for that. That's assult!
Where people are prepared to hear...
That the high life of our sex life was when I took off my leg and spanked him with it during foreplay!
Oh my goodness, How did that get in my head and land on this comment section.
SitC, Wasn't that a scene in the film 9 1/2 Weeks? LOL
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear that Paul will always get by with a little help from his friends, but I shall always haunt them with my ballroom dancing, and the fact I was married to a Beatle and it really bugged people.
I won right? Come on let me have it yall..... I NEED this award and this is the first time I have played this... LEIGHANN!!!!!!! LET ME HAVE IT!!!
SitC, wait wait wait. There are a lot of good comments here. Let me decide and let you know by morning.
Ill be going to America where Americans will be glad to hear that Yoko Ono will be giving therapy to Heather Mills on how to "Give Peace a Chance"
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear me complain about having to live on tens of millions instead of hundreds of millions......professional athletes do it all the time!
It would be my luck that I would win (okay probably not but wishful thinking) since Doc isn't here this week, therefor I will await his arrival and play next week. I mean how sad that I lose AGAIN and plus I can't stand the scanky one legged bitch!
They don't give out the awards even if you are on your knees begging. Wait! maybe they would if we were on our knees...*wink wink** That's it, I am down on my knees. Purty Purty Please TMC. Pick me!
Jahooni, So I need to get on my knees eh? LOL!!! Okay I am on them now!!!
I'll be going to America where people are prepared to hear..."Your a cold hearted money sucking bitch...and we'd like to use that for the name of our new reality show."
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